
Summary: 1. God calls wives and all Christians to have submissive love (vs. 20-24, 33). 2. God calls husbands to the Savior’s love (vs. 25-29). 3. God created marriage with a sacred connection (vs. 29-31). 4. God wants everyone to be in His spiritual family (vs. 31-32).

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God's Plan for His Family and Ours

Ephesians 5:20-33; Revelation 19:5-9;

John 3:5-7; Ephesians 1:3-7

Sermon by Rick Crandall

Series: The Book of Ephesians

(Prepared June 19, 2024)


*Our families are precious to us, but they are infinitely more precious to the Lord. God created families. He loves families. He knows the best ways for families to thrive, and He shows us how in His Word.

*Today's main focus is on marriage, but God's wisdom here is not just for husbands and wives. There is something here for everybody. Please think about this as we read Ephesians 5:20-33.


*Years ago, I preached a wedding where I met the bride's great-grandparents. They had been married for 64 years! When I heard that, I said, "I bet you could give some good advice." That great grandmother replied, "Say 'I love you!' the first thing every morning, -- and mean it. And say, 'I love you' the last thing every evening, -- and mean it." That great-grandfather said, "You must put God first in your marriage. The sooner you realize that you can't do it on your own, the better off you will be."

*That was great advice, but the best advice we can ever get for our marriages, and for our lives is found in God's Word. The first truth today focuses on wives, but actually it's for the rest of us too.


*Please listen again to Paul's guidance in vs. 22-24. Here Paul focused on wives and wrote, "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything." And in vs. 33 Paul said, "Let the wife see that she respects her husband."

*These verses have been distorted by a lot of men, and discarded by a lot of women, but they are important to help us live together in love. Many people will tell you that this guidance in God's Word is obsolete. Do not believe them. This Scripture is just as relevant today as it was on the day it was written.

*But notice that Paul told wives to submit to their husbands right after he told all Christians to submit to one another. In vs. 20-21 Paul said that all Christians should be "giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God." This kind of loving submission then should be normal behavior for ALL Christians. It's normal, and it is voluntary. The original word has the idea of you putting yourself under someone else. In marriage ladies, it's you letting your husband be the head of your family.

*This submission does not give your husband the right to bully you, or rule over you with an iron thumb. Paul said, "Submit to your husband, as to the Lord." Think about your relationship with Jesus Christ: Does He ever bully us or push us around? Has Jesus ever been mean to you? -- No, of course not.

*But why does God ask wives to "submit to your husband, as to the Lord"? One reason why is because God created men with a built-in need to be respected. Men generally respond to respect. It charges us up and motivates us to be the kind of husband you want us to be.

*Of course this is not a one way street. Women deserve and need respect too. But with men it's a much bigger deal. Ladies, we really do need your respect. So try your best to give honor and respect to your husband. And husbands, we must try our best to deserve the respect God wants us to have.

*But also please understand that this does not mean that men are better than women. My wife is a very strong-hearted, very good woman. She is a better person than me in a lot of ways. And I am a thousand times better than I ever would have been without my wife. But Mary willingly submits herself to me, (most of the time anyway). Why does she do that? Is it because I deserve it? Sometimes, and hopefully more each day. But that's not why Mary submits to me.

*The main reason why is because God has poured a whole lot of grace into her heart toward me. And Mary voluntarily submits to me, because she gets it. She understands that this IS God's plan for families. She also understands that showing respect helps make me a better husband.

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