Jesus Teaching At The Temple Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus is not asking the Jews to become expert judges of one another– far from it. He is instructing them (and us) to know who it is we should worship; and when we worship, to do so properly without our own views inserted.
Jesus Teaching at the Temple
John 7:1-24
- The gospel of John screams of the faith that we should have in Christ
-- It is the clearest example of living life FOR the one who redeemed you and I
- Today we will see two different stories played out before us:
-- The first deals with Jesus’ family (half-brothers specifically) and what they think
-- The second is specific regarding the message (teaching) of the Messiah
- Both of these can be difficult to digest, so hang on and we will walk through it
- Read John 7:1-24 / Pray
∆ Point 1 – The Feast of the Tabernacles
- This feast began on the 15th day, seventh month, following Yom Kippur
-- Since the Passover was discussed in John 6:4, it’s likely this is 6 mo. later
-- The feast is extremely important in Jewish culture; Re: rituals were critical
-- Represents the Israelites commanded to conduct a pilgrimage to the Temple
- But, notice that many want to go to the feast but Jesus did not
-- Public outcry and perception of who Jesus is would’ve been in full swing now
-- Many already want Him dead, but still others wanted what He offered
- John wastes no time in ensuring we know that the rebellion is underway
-- In v1 we see that the Jewish leaders clearly want to kill Him
-- Re: He represents a change to their system and the things they hold dear
- Jesus’s younger half-brothers, still not believing who He is, goaded Him to go
-- They were literally tempting him in v3 … go and let them see who you are
-- Additionally, they are tempting (v4) Him with public praise to be had
-- They don’t really believe He is the messiah, and it shows in their words (v5)
- However, their intentions were not for sharing the salvation He offers
-- He would’ve known this which is why Jesus challenges their response
-- The primary issue is the time for things to be done; Re: God will not be rushed
- What Jesus is referencing is that it’s already decided when He will g0
-- True, He has already been showing others He is the Messiah; the Christ
-- But at this time, at this place, it is not time for Him to attend publically
- Re: Jesus has been speaking and condemning the world since His first day
-- He has already challenged everything that society holds dear to its heart
-- IMP: Jesus is STILL challenging society which is why so many reject Him
-- It is also why so many in the church today STILL reject what He says
- Jesus says, you boys go on – it is not my time to attend (v8)
-- This certainly would’ve shut down their challenge to Him to go
-- APP: They wanted Him to go put on a show … and He was not buying it
-- However, we see in v10 that Jesus does go – just not publically like they wanted
- Does this mean that Jesus was in fear for His life? Absolutely not!
-- What it means is that He knew it was not time for Him to be present
-- He went to see what the reaction was … to what they said about Him
- IMP: This was not a popularity contest for Jesus
-- Nor was He trolling the crowd looking for pats on the back for his ego
-- His timing to attend this feast was to see what their hearts held
- And … on cue … we see that the Jewish leaders are waiting for Him (v11)
-- They want Him to show up, so that they might once again try to test Him
- Jesus already knew that this was the scene He would be walking into
-- APP: God always knows your intentions before you start talking …
- So notice what’s happening in the crowd: they are talking in secret (v12)
-- That word whispering indicates that they are not publically commenting
-- They knew that Jesus was a threat to the establishment; to the way of life
-- And if they were on His side (talking about Him) … they are a threat too (v13)
- APP: It’s the same reason no one spoke up at His trial, or at the cross
-- Fear is a powerful weapon, and the Jewish leaders wielded it without mercy
- TRANS: So we have this very important feast going on
-- And Jesus attends it but in secret to see what’s really happening
-- It amazes me that people still think God doesn’t know what’s going on …
-- APP: God already knows, and now we see how He responds to them