Who Was John The Baptist? (Luke, Part 2) Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Feb 6, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: The calling of John the Baptist is direct: Repent (turn) and receive. This appears to be tough challenge today … but it’s no different than it was in AD 29!!!
Introduction / Recap
- We know that Luke was a physician – helped Paul throughout his ministry
-- He was most likely a Gentile from Antioch (Syria) addressing a Gentile audience
- Examining the language of the text indicates that he was well educated
-- EX: Familiar with Greek; well versed in communication skills (skilled orator)
-- Luke also had an excellent understanding of politics & culture of the time
- What we truly see is Luke’s genuine interest in people is undeniable
-- EX: Much of the material in Luke involves Jesus’s interactions with people
-- Many on the fringes of “acceptable” society: sinners, sick, women, children
- Last week, we discussed the earliest story we have of Jesus as a 12 yr. old
-- RE: To be about His Father’s business … he was listening, asking, & answering
-- Our CH was that we have the same opportunities, if we will look for them …
- TR: Today, let’s dive in and look at a very critical character, John the Baptist
- Read Luke 3:1-22 / Pray
Point 1 – Who was John? He prepared the way for Jesus! (3 key things)
1. He was a man who launched the most pivotal ministry in history!
- John was last of the OT prophets, and declared the Messiah’s arrival
-- Historically speaking, Luke starts this discovery & gives us a timeframe
-- In this timeframe, we have a few key men in power to orient ourselves
- Tiberius Caesar, 2nd Roman Emperor, was in his 15th year (began in AD 14)
-- This tells us John would be on the scene around AD 28 or 29
-- Caesar was a man with the power to make someone disappear … feared
- Pontius Pilate was the gov of Jerusalem as civil ruler, and military commander
-- Roman rule was required due to the civil unrest in Judea
-- Pilate held his office from AD 26-36; comes into play with trial of Jesus
- Herod Antipas was tetrarch (ruler of quarter of area) of Galilee and Perea
-- Was instilled from BC 4 to AD 39 (he was primary ruler over Galilee)
-- RE: Galilee was Jesus’ primary ministry area for three years
-- Interesting … I’m sure Herod heard about Jesus and vice-versa
- Annas and Caiaphas were high priests, who come into play later
-- Of note here: there was only to be ONE high priest at a time
-- However, under Roman rule, they had corrupted this position
-- Religious positions of this day were not honors, but political (power) offices
-- Jesus was taken to Annas first to be tried (Jn 18:13) … and then Caiaphas
- So, we have a pretty good summary, from these leaders, of the timeline
-- Knowing that Elizabeth was 6-mo pregnant when Mary visited her
-- John would be slightly older that Jesus – just about at the age of 30
2. He was a man called by God
- What we don’t see is how he was called (angel, vision, etc.)
-- Really believe this was a genuine, personal experience he kept to himself
- EX: This part of his ministry was only His; valued relationship that much
-- Today’s app: Not going to cheapen it by posting it on FB for the world to see
- The calling was simple: Serve God, and not traditional religion of the day
-- RE: Zechariah was a priest, John was his son, would’ve been tng. for this
-- Matter of fact, he’d prob been training for 5-10 years to follow his dad
-- But God’s calling on his life was different – to not to serve in temple
- MUST SEE THIS: It is God’s calling on a life that matters
-- First loyalty is to God – not to institutional religion and others’ opinion
-- EX: Pastorate is not about me, or about the church, but obedience to Caller
3. What was John’s ministry?
- He was one who cried out apocalyptically (def: warning of future disaster)!
• Humbled shall be exalted and the Proud shall be made low
• Crooked shall be straightened out and the rough shall be smoothed
• Most importantly: God’s salvation shall be seen (choose to accept it)
- TR: Understanding his message gives us insight to his delivery …
Point 2 – John was empowered to be brutally honest
- When you consider his message, it is simple AND direct – just like God!
• He preached condemnation (v7)
Preached the truth about men and who they had become – vipers, snakes
APP: They allowed themselves to become poisonous; were poisoning others
• He preached repentance (v8)
His point is that once you repent, you must bear fruit that is worthy
APP: When you are living, live in a way that shows God is in your life