
Summary: To demonstrate the difference between being in the flesh and spirit and what difference Jesus can make in your life.

Two States, One Position

Romans 8:5-10

1. Two states one could be in: The flesh or The Spirit

a. In the flesh

i. Completely dominated by the sinful nature. 5

ii. Have the mind completely controlled by the sinful nature. 6

iii. The mind controlled by the sinful nature is hostile to God and cannot come under the control of His law. 7

iv. Those in the flesh cannot please God. 8

b. In the Spirit

i. Completely dominated by the Spirit. 5

ii. A spiritual mind demonstrating life and peace. 6

iii.A life that desires to obey God. 7

iv. A life that desires to imitate Christ 9

2. Paul believes the best, but tests them all. 8:9

a. He gives them a test:

i. Jesus did the same. Matthew 7:22-23

ii. If they have the Spirit of God. John 16:7-11; 3:16-18

Dwell-be at home v9.

iii.If they have the Spirit of Christ. Philippians 2:5-6; Ephesians 4:30-32

3. With the evil nature now taken care of, the believer now has new life 8:9

a. Our body is dead because of sin, compare 6:6

b. “The Spirit is life because of righteousness.” We are to live with Christ 6:8

c. “The Spirit is life because of righteousness.” Only the Christian has the desire to obey the Spirit and live a righteous life 6:20,22

These are the two states you can be in, the flesh or the Spirit. If you are in the flesh you may come to Christ and be forgiven and saved. Come to Jesus, He will not cast you off. Christian, have you lived with Christ? You can start anew today. Come to your Father, today! He will receive and cleanse you.

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