  • Greg Barron

    Contributing sermons since Aug 5, 2007
Greg's church

FBC WhiteHouse
White House, Tennessee 37188

About Greg
  • Education: Graduated HS in 1979 with 3.1 avg Enrolled in college in electronic technology until 10/1980 Enrolled in vocational tech school in Radio/TV Repair 1981-5/1982 That’s when I was saved. I had a 4.0 average. Problems with the teacher caused me to quit. Re-enrolled in college in 8/1984 in Speech Communication I carried a solid 3.0 average. I was married and had my first child while in college and then we moved to Tennessee in 7/1988 Re-enrolled in a community college in Computer Information Systems-Graduated Suma Cum Laude with honors and awards. I plan to finish my speech comm degree some day, I lack approx 30 sem hrs.
  • Experience: I was called to preach in 1982 shortly after being saved. I preached my first sermon in a rescue mission. I have done lots of rescue mission work, I’ve been a summer missionary, a Sunday school teacher and a fill in preacher since being saved. In 1987 I accepted my first bi-vocational church. I pastored, attended college, worked on campus, and worked in a hamburger place all at the same time. Not only that but I was a new father also! I think I was manic! :) We moved to Tennessee in 7/88 and I quickly began to teach SS, fill in for my pastor, and help with the youth. I accepted my second bi-vocational church in 12/1992. I pastored there until 12/1997. Personal problems caused me to resign. I have just began to teach SS again at FBC White House since then and fill in preaching there where I pastored in 1992.
  • Family: I grew up in a non-christian family, very dysfunctional. My mom was a drunk, probably bi-polar and self medicated. My dad was very high strung, very angry, very controlling, just plain mean. I could do nothing to please him. When I was called to preach I instantly became the black-sheep of the family. Although, upon hearing me preach once my dad stood and testified that he was impressed and was sorry that he doubted my calling. That was the only time I heard that though.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Never look at your watch, finish when the Holy Spirit tells you to.
  • Books that have had an impact: The Imitation of Christ Abide in Christ The Pursit of God Why Revival Tarries
  • Hobbies: I enjoy studying the greek text of the New Testament. I have several tools to do this. One of them FBC has bought for me.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: In my early years of preaching I was very animated. I gestered and shouted, stomped and hollered. While preaching thus one morning in my first church I was making a point and I was going to point out toward the congregation. My hand came forward, my fore finger extended, then my hand came forward. My finger went between my cheek and my glasses and caused my glasses to fly out into the air in front of me. I don’t remember which hand it was, but I reached out and grabbed my glasses, put them back on my face, and continued my sermon without one pause. Later my wife and I had a real laugh. Its still a memory till this day.
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  • Two States, One Position

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2007

    To demonstrate the difference between being in the flesh and spirit and what difference Jesus can make in your life.

    Two States, One Position Romans 8:5-10 1. Two states one could be in: The flesh or The Spirit a. In the flesh i. Completely dominated by the sinful nature. 5 ii. Have the mind completely controlled by the sinful nature. 6 iii. The mind controlled by the sinful nature is more

  • Aspects Of A Vibrant Church

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    To illustrate six aspects that should be present in every vibrant church.

    Aspects of a Vibrant Church 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 1. They had great conviction and assurance. v5 a. First in salvation. John 16:8-11 b. Second in proclamation. 1 Corinthians 1:18, Romans 1:16 2. They became imitators of Paul and Jesus. v6 a. Paul said to follow him. 1 more

  • Aspects Of A Vibrant Church

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    To illustrate six aspects that should be present in every vibrant church.

    Paul and his team had come to Troas when Paul had received a vision at night in which he saw a man from Macedonia pleading with him to come and help them. Immediately they went to Macedonia concluding that the Lord had called them to preach the gospel to them. They went through Philippi where more

  • Two Conditions, One Position

    Contributed on Aug 5, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    To note the difference between being in the flesh or in the spirit and the difference the spirit of Jesus will make in the believer’s life

    The first point we should see upon reading this text is that there are two conditions that a person could be in. That is, he could be first of all, “in the flesh”, or second “In the Spirit.” First lets explore what it means to be in the flesh. Our text begins in verse 5 and says, “they that more

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  • The Little Boy Came To His Father And Said, ...

    Contributed on Aug 5, 2007

    The little boy came to his father and said, “Father, I want to be a Christian.” The dad said, “You can’t, Jesus came to save sinners. Now go and play.” This repeated twice more until finally the boy came to his father and said, “Father, I am a sinner, more