The Philippian Jailer's Conversion Series
Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Sep 15, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: To establish that the Jailer and household’s conversion follows the New Testament’s “pattern of conversions” as outlined in the Book of Acts. The jailer and his household were saved at midnight after hearing, believing, and obeying the gospel of Christ.
1. The Jailer’s Crisis at Midnight
2. The Jailer’s Counsel at Midnight
3. The Jailer’s Conversion at Midnight
Introductory Remarks.
1. Today's lesson will discuss a man who asked an essential question. A question that had eternal implications! This is a question that all must ask if they, like him, are unaware of God’s terms of salvation. Not everyone will receive the answer in the same spirit that he and his entire family did. We are not talking about some man's theology! Or someone’s philosophy! We are talking about things that are eternal and divinely ordained. Many have asked this question, but not all have received the same answer. In every case where one inquired of God's terms of salvation, of the man of God, the Lord requires his servants to give the same answer and assistance to the inquirer’s search for salivation. We will notice that this act of conversion follows the New Testament’s “pattern of conversion,” as outlined in the Book of Acts.
2. First, we will consider the jailer’s crisis at midnight. As a result of an unexpected earthquake at midnight, the jailer would ask a great question out of concern for his safety and salvation. That would be: "What must I do to be saved?" Perhaps fear generated this question. Fear for his life. But, somehow knew these men could give him the answer he needed. We ought to understand this for ourselves, for each of us must stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Most importantly, we cannot help others find the way if we don’t know it ourselves. It is essential to find out what we must do, first do it, and then instruct others how to obey God.
3. Secondly, we will notice the two counselors God had placed in the jailhouse at midnight. The jailer asked the counselors: "Sirs, what must I DO to be saved?" It implies some action on the part of the jailer. It suggests that he understood that he must do something - to be saved. Unlike the Universalists, who say, "Ye need not do anything – it has all been done for you." Or like the Calvinist’s, which says, "You can't do anything if you are not one of God’s Elect." But Paul told the jailer to have faith in Jesus, and he could save himself and his entire house. God desires all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. However, each must do something to be saved, and what is required is taught in this act of New Testament conversion. From this example, we will see what God requires of us all to be saved.
4. Lastly, we will describe the jailer’s conversion at midnight. The jailer desired to be saved. He was not trying to deceive or attempting to distract them from escaping that night. He truly wanted to be saved. Like so many today! If someone would ask this same question today, would the answer be the same? I sincerely think not. However, God's terms of pardon and salvation have not changed since this man's conversion! He is the "same yesterday, today, and forever." In the same hour of the night - this man's life was saved both from suicide and sin by these men of God. He and his entire household heard, believed, and obeyed the Gospel! I want everyone here today to do the same! Let’s consider our first point, the Jailer’s crisis at midnight.
A. How the jailer arrived at the conclusion he needed to be saved is a question of speculation. He may have seen or heard of Paul’s work among the Macedonians. It may be possible, or even likely, that he heard talk of their work among the prisoners or the guards. God sent Paul and Silas into Macedonia. Illustrate: The Macedonian Call, Acts 16:9-17. Philippi was a Roman city and colony. The gospel was preached in Europe in this city in about 50 AD. Paul’s vision in Corinth, Acts 18:9-10; his preaching in Rome, Acts 28:23-24, and Acts 28:31.
B. The first converts in the city were Lydia and her household, Acts 16:13-l5. "The Lord opened her heart...as she attended unto the things spoken of Paul. And when she was baptized, and her entire household, she besought us..." How was her heart opened? Through preaching! "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God," Romans 10:17.
C. Healing of a damsel of an evil spirit. Who had followed them and proclaimed: "These men are the servants of the (Most High) God, which shows unto us the way of salvation," Acts 16:16-24. For this, they were beaten and placed in prison for doing GOOD. Don't be discouraged when people are unappreciative of the good you do or even cause evil to become part of your day. The man and woman of God seek to relieve the affliction and oppression of others, even if they are punished for doing so. Paul admonishes us all not to: "Become weary in well doing," Galatians 6:9-10. What does God require? Micah answers: “To do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before his God," Micah 6:8.