
Summary: This is the second of a series that Christ taught to expose the heart of the pharisees and those that rejected Him.


How dangerous is it to reject Jesus? We have been studying the parables that Jesus taught. Last week we begin the study of a group of three parables that Jesus told in response to the questions that the Pharisees asked in regards to His authority. These parables reveal the rejection of God by the Jews. The first parable reveals how they have rejected God the Father. The Second parable reveals the rejection of God the Son. The third reveals the rejection of God the Holy Spirit. The Jews were very familiar with the illustration of the vine. They knew the song of the vine in Isaiah 5. This parable illustrates to us how passionate and patient God is with His people. It also reveals that one day God’s patience will come to an end and there will be judgment.

I. The Illustration That Christ Uses In This Parable (33-39)

A. The Householder Illustrates God (33)

1. God plants the vineyard – Israel was God’s vineyard

When a man planted his vines he would select the ones he would use.

2. God protects His vineyard – It was common practice to “hedge about” vineyards with thorns (their barbwire) to keep animals and thieves out.

3. God provides for His vineyard – The tower not only provided a place for someone to keep an eye out, but also things were stored their and it provided a place for rest for the workers.

4. God desires a product from His vineyard – The winepress was hewn into a rock.

B. The Husbandmen Illustrate The Rulers of Israel (33b-39)

1. Their responsibility to the householder (33b-34)

a. They were to be stewards of what was trusted to them. (33b)

b. They were to give back to the householder. (34)

{Israel’s problem like ours today was they wanted the vineyard for their own purposes and not God’s.)

2. Their rebellion against the householder servants (34-36)

The servants represent the prophets of the Old Testament. Isaiah was sawn asunder. Jeremiah was stoned. Amos was clubbed to death. John was beheaded. They would stone Stephen to death.

3. Their rejection of the Son. (37-39)

{Note how patient God the householder was. Also, they knew who the son was.}

a. Their response to the son – seize and slay.

b. The reason for their response – They wanted the inheritance for themselves. (38)

II. The Question That Christ Asked About The Parable (40 -41)

A. It Was an Easy Question. (40)

B. It Was an Exposing Question (41) {Reminds me of David and Nathan.}

1. It exposed the just condemnation of the wicked men.

2. It exposed the just cutting off of the wicked men. (He will let out his vineyard to others that will give him his fruits.)

III. The Application Of This Parable (42-44) (Psalm 118:22-23,1 Peter 2:6-8, Eph. 2:19-20)

A. Jesus is the Rejected Cornerstone.

He rejects those that reject Him.

B. Jesus is the Righteous Crushing Stone.

1. You can fall on this stone and be broken and healed.

2. You can let the stone fall on you and be crushed.

IV. The Reception of This Parable (45-46)

What does this parable say to you? God has been good to you and sent many your way to witness to you. How have you received their message?

If you know Christ as Lord & Savior what type of steward are you? Have you realized there will be a judgment day?

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