
Summary: What Paul prayed for the Ephesians

1. Paul prays that the Ephesians would know their FATHER (v. 17)

2. Paul prays that the Ephesians would know their FUTURE (v. 18)

A. We can know our future because of the hope we have (Titus 2:13).

B. We can know our future because of the inheritance that awaits us (1 Pet. 1:3-4).

John 14:1-3

3. Paul prays that the Ephesians would know their FORTITUDE (v. 19-23)

A. Our power in Christ is a death-defying power (v. 20).

B. Our power in Christ is an eternal power (v. 21).

C. Our power in Christ is a consuming power (v. 22-23).

1 John 4:4

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