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  • Living Like An Alien

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Nov 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Using Judah in the Old Testament as an example, this message explains how God's people are to live as "aliens" in this world while we await the return of Christ and eternity in our true, eternal kingdom.

    INTRODUCTION * A hot topic in politics: illegal immigration = “aliens” - a resident born in or belonging to another country - a foreigner; unlike one’s own / strange or difference * We, as God’s people, are aliens in a spiritual sense (not new: the people of God in the OT more

  • Jesus Rises From The Dead Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Nov 1, 2011

    The most-shocking action of Jesus was his resurrection from the dead. This message examines the implications of his resurrection, and the impact he can have in our lives today.

    INTRODUCTION * Series, “A Savior’s Most-Shocking Actions” / previous actions: reaches out to sinners; offers forgiveness to sinners; dies for sinners * A dead Savior doesn’t do anyone any good; for Christ’s death to be powerful today, he must do something that more

  • Jesus Dies For The Sins Of The World Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Nov 1, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon looks at the shocking action of Jesus, as he offers his life as the payment for sin

    INTRODUCTION * Current series (message 3 of 4): A Savior’s Most-Shocking Actions (things Jesus said and did that his enemies used against him) * Previous actions: (1) Jesus reaches out to sinners [Zacchaeus]; (2) Jesus forgives sinners [paralytic] * Today: the shocking moment in which Jesus more

  • Jesus Forgives Sinners Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Nov 1, 2011

    This message looks at the shocking action of Jesus, in which he offers forgiveness for sins

    INTRODUCTION * A Savior’s Most-Shocking Actions series: things Jesus did while on earth that were shocking to those around him at that time - things he did/said went against what many thought - his claims and actions were so shocking they eventually led to his death * Those moments are still more

  • Jesus Reaches Out To Sinners Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Nov 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This message examines the shocking action of Jesus, when he reached out to Zacchaeus. Application is made to today, noting that Jesus still reaches out to sinners today.

    INTRODUCTION TO SERIES * The “Most-Shocking” video genre (i.e., Top 20 Most Shocking Boozers and Losers; Most Shocking Fights and Wild Riots; etc.) * A different kind of “most-shocking” action: the life and ministry of Jesus Christ - Christ did things that shocked those who more

  • Have No Fear, God Is Near

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Nov 1, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon examines the fear that we encounter in life, and how we can overcome it, knowing that God is with us

    INTRODUCTION * Fear: the natural feeling of alarm caused by the expectation of imminent danger, pain or disaster * Fear is common and widespread: over 500 documented phobias (and some are pretty funny) - cacophobia: the fear of ugliness - dentophobia: the fear of dentists - gynophobia: the fear of more

  • An Acts 29 Church Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Oct 19, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The church today is called to be an Acts 29 church. This message reveals what is required to continue the ministry and mission of the church in Acts,

    INTRODUCTION * WE are Acts 29: we are living in the unfinished chapter of the church’s ministry * Our journey through Acts saw the church’s beginning, success, and some failures * Acts ends with Paul under house arrest and using that house as a base of operation as he shares the Gospel more

  • The Purpose Driven God Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Oct 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This message looks at how God's purposes will not be thwarted

    INTRODUCTION * God’s purpose, plan, will, etc., is mysterious, but important - God has a purpose for each person, a plan for every person’s life - God has a specific desire in what he wants to accomplish in your life * The question is not if God has a plan for our lives, but (1) do I more

  • How To Handle The Storm Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Oct 19, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Using the physical and literal storm Paul faced on his way to Rome, this message gives insight into how we can handle the "storms of life" that come our way

    INTRODUCTION * Paul, the main figure in the past 14 chapters of Acts, has faced much adversity, but has realized all that God has done for him during that time * One of Satan’s goals from the beginning of the church has been to oppose it in such a way as to try to stop it (Acts 1 = the more

  • When Your Back Is Against The Wall Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Oct 19, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This message looks at several instances when Paul's back was against the wall, noting what he did to push through the adversity to continue God's mission for his life

    INTRODUCTION * Paul has faced opposition from the moment he placed faith in Christ (at first from believers who were skeptical, then from unbelievers) * Agabus’ prediction (21:10-11); Paul’s response (21:13) * Paul understood what it meant to have his “back against the more

  • What To Do With Your Words Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Oct 19, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This message examines the power that our words can have

    INTRODUCTION * Over 600,000 words in the English language: average person uses 20,000 * The power of words... - “A word from the mouth is like a stone from a sling.” (African proverb) - “A word once uttered can never be recalled.” (Horace, Italian poet) - “Colors fade, more

  • Courageous Commitment Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Oct 13, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    This message focuses on the need for believers to have courageous commitment as they follow God in this world

    INTRODUCTION * Those God has used to accomplish his will and extend his mission are people who had courageous commitment - commitment = completely dedicated to the task at hand - courageous = complete the task regardless of the threat they experience * Some examples of courageous commitment: - more

  • How To Leave A Legacy Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Oct 13, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    In this message the example of Paul is used to show us how we can leave a legacy of faith to those who come behind us

    INTRODUCTION * Think of the people who’ve made a lasting impact on your life (i.e., grandparent, teacher, close friend, etc.) * Why we remember them: they made a significant impression upon us and did something that changed our lives - they left a legacy * We’re always thankful for more

  • The Original X-Games Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Oct 13, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    This message explores the extreme and radical commitment required of believers to accomplish God's will

    INTRODUCTION * X-Games / Extreme Sports: term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger and that are counter-cultural (give examples...) * The need for “extreme” with the Gospel - high level of danger involved: both for the carrier and the receiver more

  • Moving To Commitment Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Oct 13, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    In this message a contrast is drawn between involvement and commitment. Special attention is given to the need for commitment to be a part of God's plan.

    INTRODUCTION * Difference between involvement and commitment - involvement = to include as a condition; to engage or employ; to include - commitment = to give in trust; to pledge oneself to a position; to bind or obligate - involvement is partial; commitment is total - involvement means I take part more