
Summary: The second in a two part sermon on Psalm one.

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As looked at Psalm 1 last time, we said that it naturally falls into two divisions of 3 verses each. Verses 1-3 describe the man who is blessed by God, while verses 4-6 describe the man who is condemned by God.

The man who is blessed by God is separated from the world. He thinks differently, acts differently, and feels differently than the world does. He is saturated with the Word. He studies it lovingly, thoughtfully, and consistently. He is situated by the water. Because he depends upon the Holy Spirit, he is unfailingly fruitful, fresh, and favored. Now, as we look to verses 4-6, at the description of one who is condemned by God.

In verse 4, we read, "Not so the wicked!" The man who is condemned by God is said to be one who is wicked. The Hebrew word is "raw-shaw" and refers to one who has chosen the way of sin. In other words, the man who is condemned by God is one who has chosen the way of sin and rebellion rather than the way of forgiveness and salvation! He is one who has chosen not to receive Jesus Christ as His personal Savior.

We need to understand this. If one has not yet chosen forgiveness, then he has chosen sin. If he has not yet chosen life, he has chosen death! If he has not yet chosen heaven, he has chosen hell! If he has not yet chosen Christ, he has chosen Satan! One cannot "ride the fence," when it comes to salvation (Matthew 12:30). The man described here is one who has not received the Savior. He has, therefore, forfeited the blessing of God and is under the condemnation of God (John 3:18).

1. He Is Condemned To A Life Of Worthlessness - v. 4

The person condemned by God is described as being "like chaff that the wind blows away." In the ancient world, part of the wheat harvesting process involved winnowing. They would take raw wheat, toss it into the air, and let the wind blow away the unusable part of the wheat - the chaff. Because the kernels were heavier than the chaff, they would fall back down to the ground, but the chaff would blow away. The kernels of grain were useful, but the chaff was worthless. Thus the Psalmist tells us that the life of one who has not received God’s free gift of forgiveness and eternal life through faith in Christ is like the chaff - worthless. He is condemned to live a life of worthlessness.

God created man with a purpose in mind. Man was to live in such a way as to glorify and honor his creator. In return, he would experience unlimited love, joy, peace and fulfillment.

But when man rejected God’s will for him and rebelled instead, he ended up with a life that is worthless, empty, and meaningless.

"God without man is still God, but man without God is nothing."

That’s what man chose when he turned from God -nothingness!

But the Good News is that while "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23), "the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23b). The good news is that "God has demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners (condemned to a life of worthlessness) Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). On the cross, Jesus paid the price so that we might pass from being condemned to a life of worthlessness to being blessed with a life of meaning and significance.

A South Seas legend tells about a society in which the desirability of a women was judged by the number of cows a suitor would pay for her. Manyama was considered undesirable. Her father had given up hope of a suitor, much less a cow. But one day a young man came and offered five cows for Manyama. The village thought him crazy, for three cows was the highest price ever paid. The young man took Manyama to his home in another village. After a year, they returned. All stood in amazement as they beheld Manyama, the most beautiful woman they had ever seen. She had been transformed by the power of her husband’s love.

Likewise, in Christ, God willingly paid the price for our sins, so we might be delivered from a life of worthlessness. When we receive God’s free gift of eternal life through faith in Christ, by the power of His love, our life can be transformed into a life that’s worth living!

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, they can start where they are and make a brand new end."

"You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die. But you can choose how you’re going to live!"

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