Study2 - Revelation Series
Contributed by Stephen Schwartz on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Study two of the Book of Revelation.
Study 2
The Setting
THE Prosecuted Preacher (vs. 9)
Brother – member of the brotherhood of believers
Companion in Tribulation
John 16:33
Acts 14:22
Romans 5:3 & 8:35
2 Corinthians 7:4
Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ
Kingdom – the Messiah on the throne of David
Patience of Jesus Christ
He endured sinners
He prayed for his murderers
Isle that is called Patmos
Patmos is a lonely Isle in the Aegean Sea (30 miles in circumference).
Patmos is a barren and desolate rock.
John was banished there because of his loyalty to God’s word.
The desolate places of life bring the divine presence of Christ.
The word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ
The Word of God has always been mocked and ridiculed by unbelievers.
John suffered banishment because of his testimony to Jesus Christ.
This Revelation is ours because one lonely and loyal follower was willing to suffer tribulation than compromise with the world.
The Glorified Christ (Vs. 10-20)
In the Spirit on the Lord’s Day
John was filled with the Spirit.
The Lord’s Day
The Sabbath – the first day of the week
The judgement Day – Day of God after Man’s Day.
What you see, write in a book
God intended for this Revelation to be recorded.
God wants the church to know their future.
Sent it to the seven churches
Seven is the number for perfection.
This is for the church of all ages.
This was to be used in the churches for reaching and instructing.
Seven golden candlesticks
The church is like a candlestick – to be bearers of light – lights to shine in a darkened world.
The church is liken unto gold – precious and valuable – the church belongs to Christ and He is the center of the church.
In the midst is one liken unto the Son of Man – the Glorified Christ is in the midst of the churches.
Girt about the breasts with a golden girdle
Golden girdle – speaks of a judge.
Girt about the breasts – speaks of a ruler, a king, a lord, and a judge.
While on earth Jesus was girt about the waist with a towel – which showed him as a humble servant, which befits a slave.
His head and hair were white as wool
He is represented as the Ancient of Days.
The white hair represents experience and wisdom.
He is the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace.
His eyes were as a flame of fire
His eyes are flashing fire – searching, piercing, penetrating and judging.
Our God is a consuming fire – the burning bush, fire on Mt Sinai, apostles baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, etc.
His feet like unto fine brass
Brass is unyielding and unbending and here sets forth the justice and righteousness of God.
The whole scene shows the Judge of all the earth beginning his judgement in the midst of his own.
His feet once pierced by nails are now hardened like brass burned in a furnace.
His voice as of many waters
The voice, which gently called to the multitudes to “follow me”, is now like the voice of the lion of the tribe of Judah.
The voice once silenced by death now reverberates like the sound of thunder.
He is a mighty Conqueror and King walking through the midst of the churches.
In His right hand seven stars
The right hand is the place of honor and dignity.
The right hand is the hand of power and might.
The seven stars represent the preacher, minister, messenger, pastor or shepherd of the flock – God’s preachers are in God’s hands.
God’s preachers are likened to stars and angels while God’s people are likened to gold and jewels.
Angels are messengers, ambassadors of heaven, obedient, humble and worshipful.
Stars shine in the dark and shine by reflected light.
Out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword
Hebrews 4:12
The Word of God can pierce man to the soul.
His countenance was as the sun
The glorified Christ.
Jesus light shines brighter than the sun.
I am He that lives and was dead
He is the resurrected Christ.
He is the Almighty with glory and grandeur above all else.
The keys of Hell and Earth
Keys set forth the power to lock and to unlock, open or to shut, seal or to unseal.
Hell is the place of departed souls for eternal punishment.
Death has reference to the dead whether saint of sinner, the physically dead.
Fear not”
The greeting of Deity addressing humanity – four reasons why we should not fear (Vs. 17).
I am the first and the last.
He speaks of his deity – He is the everlasting God
Psalm 90:2 – He came out of eternity and moves into eternity.