
Summary: In this message we begin (this is part one) unpacking Philippians 4:1 (and some of the verses around it) which teach us us how to stand firm in the Lord.

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Standing Firm In The Lord


Dismiss Grove KIDZ

PAUL - 2000 years ago, shortly before he would be executed, (beheaded by the Romans) wrote these words to Timothy…

NOW – many of us read them on Friday of this past week in our FCFH reading.

BTW – a new one kicks off tomorrow…

I will be sending out the link to this new bible reading plan later today… and I also posted on today’s Facebook livestream.

AGAIN – words from Paul

For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. – 2 Timothy 4:6-8

QUESTION – when you get to the end of your earthly life

(and understand, with every tick of the clock, you are getting closer to that day)…

SO - when you get there would you rather be able to say the words in column A or column B.

Column A Column B

I’ve fought the good fight I didn’t fight the good fight

I finished the race I didn’t finish the race

I kept the faith I didn’t keep the faith

Now, I know… Now, I am very unsure…


SO – did anyone choose column B?

I didn’t think so.

LIKE – I mean, who would choose that… who would choose those words to summarize their life, when they come to life’s end and stand before the Lord.

YET… YET… - I am afraid that many will end up living a column B life.

AND LISTEN – that’s because being able to say what Paul said, when his death was imminent, is not simply going to happen within any effort on your part…. GET IT?

Which brings us to our new series, “Powerful Passages” that we kicked off last week, by diving into Philippians chapter 3

UNDERSTAND – in Philippians chapter 3 Paul lays out 7 keys, 7 truths, 7 actions steps, that (if taken) will enable us to stand firm in the LORD.

AND – how do I know that this is what Philippians 3 is all about? BECAUSE – of what Paul wrote in Philippians 4:1

Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that (in other words, all the stuff I just said in Philippians 3) is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends… - Philippians 4:1

NOW – last week we unpacked 3 of those action steps…

SO – let’s do a brief review, FIRST…

Standing firm in the Lord is the fruit of…

Rejoicing In The Lord

Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again,

(See, Paul likes reviewing stuff too)

and it is a safeguard for you. – Philippians 3:1

QUESTION - how is rejoicing in the LORD a safeguard?

UNDERSTAND – anytime your life lacks joy…

YOU ARE - extremely vulnerable to attacks from the evil one.

TO FALL - into his depression

TO ACCEPT – his offer to find joy in other places, in very destructive places.

MGCC – here’s the deal…

Your earthly circumstances often change and head south,

BUT LISTEN - the Lord and His plan, His purposes and HIS promises never do! AMEN?!


CAN BE - (hard and difficult), (hurtful and discouraging)

I MEAN – there are times when joy and rejoicing could not seem further away. BUT B/S – we can always rejoice in Him

• in who He is, in what He has done

• in what He will do, in His mercy and His grace

• in His unfailing, reckless and unstoppable love

• in our salvation

• in our guaranteed blow our minds forever with Him in heaven

IF YOUR – greatest joy really is in HIM, THEN YOU - really can do what Paul says in Philippians chapter 4. Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! – Philippians 4:4

Standing firm in the Lord is the fruit of…

Heeding The Warning Of Putting Confidence In The Flesh

Putting confidence in our own effort, in order to be right with God.

Now understand, at one time that is exactly what Paul had done, as he anchored his confidence to be right with God, in such things as…

• Family heritage

• Social status (having a good reputation)

• Biblical knowledge

• Religious activity

• Moral lifestyle

BUT THEN - Paul came to the point in His life,

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