
Summary: Jesus is working through His church to bring salvation to a lost generation.

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Seven Reasons Why Going To Church Is A Big Deal

3 Part Series (2 of 3)

June 29, 2003 Chester, FBC Chester, Illinois Mike Fogerson, Speaker


A Excuses abound for not attending church.

a The Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia ran an ad targeted for excuse-prone professionals living downtown. The lead line read, "Jesus Hated Church, Too!"

b The following lines said, "It’s boring. The people are phony. The politics are less than righteous. Jesus hated the same things. But he never used it as an excuse not to worship. Maybe he knew something you don’t. Find out this Sunday."

The church wasn’t perfect when the only perfect man walked this earth, but he never let that keep him away on the Sabbath.

B We are spending some time looking at 7 reasons why going to church is a big deal. Last week. . .

a (1) To Exalt God in Worship, (2) To Evangelize The World Through Proclamation and Missions.

b Jesus is working through his Church to bring salvation to a lost generation. (ESS)

C I hope you’ll make going to church a big deal to you. (Obj.)

a What are you doing that shows church is a big deal to you? (Probing Question)

b Lets look at two more reasons why going to church is such a big deal. (TS)

III The third reason going to church is a big deal. . .TO EQUIP BELIEVERS THROUGH TEACHING & MENTORING.

Eph. 4:11-12 "[11] It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, [12] to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up"

A God gave every believer a practical spiritual gift that is to be developed.

a The spiritual gifts are listed in Eph. 4, Rms. 12, I Cor. 12, I Peter 4.

(Leadership, Administration, Teaching, Knowledge, Wisdom, Prophecy, Discernment, Exhortation, Shepherding, Faith, Evangelism, Apostleship, Service/Helps, Mercy, Giving, Hospitality) Put gifts on ONE SLIDE!!!

*In September we’ll take six weeks to look at the Spiritual Gifts and at the end of the series you will be given a Spiritual Gifts Inventory.

b The ultimate purpose of spiritual gifts is to prepare believers to do something in the ministry of the church.

B The church is where you can grow your spiritual gifts.

a Learn to use them! An equipping church looks like. . .

Taught and expected to share your faith.

Teachers are trained to teach and then given a class.

Choir members are challenged to grow musically.

Worshipers learn to worship in Spirit and Truth.

Taught and challenged to pray.

Deacons are trained to minister and held accountable.

b The leadership, starting with the pastor, helps you to discover your spot.

How does God S.H.A.P.E. your ministry?


Spiritual Gifts: 16 different Spiritual Gifts.

Heart: What is your passion? What do you like to do?

Abilities: What is your natural talent? (i.e.; cooking, writing, crafts, teaching)

Personality: Introverted or Extraverted?

Experiences: What have you been through?

T.S.: If we awaken the talents, resources, creativity, and energy that are in the members of First Baptist we will explode with growth at an unprecedented rate.

IV The fourth reason going to church is a big deal. . .TO EDIFY OTHERS THROUGH MINISTRY & SERVICE.

[12] to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up" Eph. 4:12

[10] Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

A God gave spiritual gifts to believers for one purpose: To Serve Others.

a "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45 *Jesus served others!!! OUTWARD FOCUS.

* "What’s the greatest commandment?" Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, and mind. And LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR as yourself." OUTWARD FOCUS.

b Every believer isn’t a pastor, but every believer has been called into ministry by God. (It starts in your church. Eph. 4:12)

B There are no small ministries at First Baptist. (I’m glad about nursery workers, greeters, van drivers, Sunday School teachers, cooks, you can hear me.)

a In our house we have nice dinning room hanging chandelier (from Rev. & Mrs. Jent). It is the biggest and nicest light in the house. It’s not the most important to me. Nightlight is! My wife would say my favorite light was the refrigerator light!

b Every member a minister. . .Amen? Do you agree?

*FBC Constitution defines what an active member does?

(Pg. 4, Article III: Membership, Section 4.)

"Any member who does not support the church in attendance or giving for the time of one year should consider themselves inactive."

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