Men Of Faith Series
Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Paul planned to send Timothy and Epaphroditus to Philippi. He encouraged the church to embrace these men and benefit from their presence. They exemplified committed Christian service. We need those who will invest in others, impacting lives for Christ.
Men of Faith
Philippians 2: 19-30
Following a great discourse on the obedience of Christ to the will of the Father, and our obligations to possess the mind of Christ, Paul offers yet another example of faithful Christian service. In our text he makes an announcement that Timothy and Epaphroditus will soon be making visits to Philippi. Like the Lord they served, these men were great examples of committed Christian service. As the Philippians read this letter, they must have realized they would soon have devout men to model a lifestyle of committed obedience.
While our culture and needs are somewhat different, we too are blessed with those who live out their faith before others. They provide a godly example of how Christian service should look. While living faithfully for the Lord, these provide a means of discipleship that cannot be under-estimated. Every mature believer ought to share this desire, striving to present a godly example for young believers to follow. I am truly thankful for those who have mentored me in the faith.
As we conclude this chapter, I want to discuss the expectations of Paul for the church as we consider: Men of Faith.
I. Timothy – A Committed Servant (19-24) – No doubt the church was familiar with Timothy. He had served faithfully among them with Paul. Paul reminds them of the commitment Timothy possessed, and encouraged them of the benefit of his presence. Consider:
A. The Arrangement (19) – But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I know your state. Here Paul reveals the arrangement he was working toward. Notice:
1. The Plan (19a) – But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you. Paul had every intention of sending Timothy to serve among them as soon as possible. He knew Timothy would serve them well and be of great benefit to the church. They were encouraged to anticipate his coming in the near future.
We are blessed to have those of like faith serving alongside us, especially those who provide a godly example for others to follow. I appreciate your faithfulness to the Lord and our labor together.
2. The Purpose (19b) – But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I know your state. Paul is not implying that he doesn’t trust the reports he is receiving from Philippi, but having Timothy present with them, will further affirm their prosperity in the Gospel and continuance in the faith. He would have one he loved and trusted working among them, encouraging and leading them in the faith.
Paul wasn’t planning to send Timothy because he had no other avenue of service. He was sending him with purpose. I was reminded of the need for every believer to be active and contributing to the work of the Gospel. We have been placed within this local body with purpose. There is a work for each of us to perform, and the body will suffer if we are not faithful.
B. The Agreement (20-22) – Here we find the agreement Paul and Timothy enjoyed, which would serve to further benefit the church. Paul speaks of:
1. Timothy’s Character (20) – For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. Paul loved the church at Philippi and longed to be with them, but he was hindered at the present time. Such devotion called for careful selection in his replacement. Paul could think of only one who shared his heart and vision for the church. Timothy and Paul were likeminded, sharing the same burden for the church and the same approach in ministry. If Paul was unable to come to them, he could not think of anyone he desired there more than Timothy.
Finding a fellow believer who shares your heart and burden for the church is special. I am thankful for those who are burdened for Fellowship and share the vision God has given us. We need to celebrate those relationships and nurture them for the advancement of the church.
2. Timothy’s Commitment (21-22) – For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's. [22] But ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the gospel. Paul knew he had to be careful when selecting someone to lead the church. All did not possess pure motives, seeking their own desires instead of the will of the Lord. Paul was confident in Timothy. He knew he was committed to the Lord and the church. He also knew that Philippi was aware of Timothy’s care and devotion. He had proven that among them as he served alongside Paul.