
Summary: Our 7th and final message in the series “Lifesongs: Lives of Worship.” We started our series with an Invitation to Worship and an examination of what it means to have a Heart of Worship. We then have looked more closely at seven different Lifesongs or l

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Part 7 in series, “LifeSongs*: Lives of Worship”

Rev. Todd Leupold Perth Bible Church Sunday February 24, 2008 AM

* Title inspired by the name of the song and album by “Casting Crowns.” Overall series inspired and, to some degree adapted, from the writings of Gary Thomas and Myra Perrine.


Tell me, whether you think it silently in your head or shout it at full capacity, when you read the Bible or listen to a sermon, what kind of statements provoke your “Amen!”; and which kind provoke your “oh my!”?

What if I said, “I believe in the literal truth of the Scriptures and the infallible authority of the Bible?” Or, “Jesus promises an eternal future of joy and blessing, without sin, pain or sorrow for all who believe in Him”? Or, “Jesus, the Almighty wants you to let Him carry your burdens?”

Good. Now, what is your normal heart and body response when someone proclaims: “Let us go right now and minister in the prisons”? Or, “Let’s go to the nursing home and see if there are any oozing soars we can help clean or bodies we can bathe”? Or, “We need to do something about the proposed Planned Parenthood on Rt. 30A.” Is it just me, or has it suddenly gotten quiet? Why is that?

Most likely, somebody right is thinking, “Hey, that’s not what I signed up for. I’m just here to worship Jesus.”

Well, it so happens that this morning is our 7th and final message in the series “Lifesongs: Lives of Worship.” We started our series with an Invitation to Worship and an examination of what it means to have a Heart of Worship. We then have looked more closely at seven different Lifesongs or lifestyles of worship that the Bible calls His people toward. Perhaps, it is fitting then that as we examine the last two Lifesongs of worship this morning, we end it with a tangle, substantive call to commitment.

Don’t worry, I promise I won’t ask any more of you than Jesus does . . .

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 25:34-46

With these words in mind, let us reflect on the last two LifeSongs:



How would you answer the following statements?1

4 = very true, 3 = Often true, 2 = Sometimes true, 1 = Rarely true, 0 = Never True

1.I sense God’s pleasure when I am caring for others, e.g., helping a friend who’s in need, giving a ride to someone without a car, or working in the soup kitchen in my community of faith.

2.Being a caring servant of God who puts faith into action is very important to me.

3.I am not pleased when I see Christians who love God yet walk right past a sick neighbor or a family in need without helping them.

4.When I am helping those in need, I experience God’s love, whether they are weak, poor, sick, or imprisoned.

5.I feel like I am showing my love for God when I am helping “the least of these” by meeting practical needs, e.g., fixing a meal or helping with a household repair.

6.I would like to improve my skills in lay counseling to be better equipped to help those in need.


Serving others sacrificially in a personal, tangible and physical manner.

Quick to recognize & sympathize with the needs of others.

Practical answers to practical problems.

Feel most connect to Jesus & filled with His Spirit when actively engaged in meaningful, tangible Christian service.

Tend to prefer being “behind-the-scenes.”


1.Living The Word (NOT just ’knowing’)

2.Allowing Jesus’ Love & Blessings to Overflow.

3. Intimacy with God through Helping Others.

4.Not Afraid To “Get Dirty.”


1.Other Believers – 1 John 3:17

2.Orphans & Widows – James 1:27

3.Prisoners – Hebrews 13:3

4.The Poor – Matthew 19:21

5.The Interests of Jesus – Philippians 2:19-21


1.Outward Service Superseding Inner Transformation.

2.Overwhelming Emotion (sadness, guilt, helplessness, etc.)

3.Bitterness From Being Overlooked.


1.Mordecai – Esther 2:7

2.Ruth – Book of Ruth

3.Women At Jesus’ Tomb – Luke 24:1

4.Jesus – Matthew 4:23-24; 9:35-36

The great Alliance preacher and renowned Christian author, A. W. Tozer, makes this observation: “Before the judgment seat of Christ my service will be judged not by how much I have done but by how much I could have done!... In God’s sight, my giving is measured not by how much I have given but how much I have left after I made my gift… Not by its size is my gift judged, but by how much of me there is in it. No man gives at all until he has given all! No man gives anything acceptable to God until he has first given himself in love and sacrifice” (Renewed, 2/19).

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