
Summary: Christmas day will be meaningless without the return of Christ to earth to complete what was done in that manger, on that cross, from that grave, and in His church!

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The world celebrates Christmas on December 25. But some will argue, with strong conviction, that Jesus was actually born on January 6! Does the date really matter? No matter the date, what’s important is that God became a human being on earth! Without His birth on earth, Jesus would not have been able to accomplish His purpose. Whether it was January 6 or December 25, we should celebrate Christmas day, but Jesus Christ is more than Christmas!

Christmas came and Jesus became a human being, but we know that Jesus grew up to be a man, holy and obedient to God the Father. Jesus became a human being on earth for a purpose!

Jesus while on earth testified about the truth, glorified God, demonstrated God’s love, and initiated the building of the Kingdom of God through His church!

Please open your Bibles to the Book of Acts.

Read along with me Acts Chapter 1:1-11………….

Now look down to Chapter 2:22-24…….. 29-33……

Jesus accomplished His purpose on earth, then He returned to heaven.

But one day, Jesus will return to earth.

Look again at v11 of Acts 1…………….

And so we note that Jesus went to heaven but will return to earth. Now, if the birth of Jesus Christ made history as we discussed earlier, if He returned to earth already, shouldn’t it be in history books as well?

You see, the initial news of the return of Christ was to the Men of Galilee, the first Disciples of Christ. Ever since that day of ascension of Jesus to heaven, the disciples have been waiting for the return of Christ to earth. But what did Jesus tell those disciples before leaving earth?

Look again at v7-8 of Acts 1…………..

God the Father is the only one who knows the timing of Christ’s return to earth to restore the kingdom of Israel. In other words, Jesus told His disciples, “Definitely know that I will return to earth but do not concern yourselves with the timing”. Disciples of Christ are to anticipate Christ’s return to earth.

It is claimed that one out of every thirty verses in the Bible mentions the doctrine of Christ’s return to earth!

The whole chapters of Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 are devoted to the return of Christ!

Turn your Bibles to Matthew 24:36-42…………

We can read more about the return of Christ as the Apostle Paul wrote to the churches. The whole books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians are devoted to the second coming. Please turn to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18..…

And of course the Book of Revelation talks about the future and the return of Christ to earth. Turn with me to Revelation 19:11-16……….

And Revelation 20:11-15…………….

Why am I sharing with you these things during the Christmas season? We need to know and remind ourselves that Jesus Christ is more than Christmas!

We are to celebrate the birth of Christ, know the reason why God became a human being on earth, but like the disciples in Scriptures, we must all anticipate the return of Jesus Christ to earth.

We are to celebrate Christmas but we are to be excited about the imminent return of Christ for us! You see, Christmas day will be meaningless without the return of Christ to earth to complete what was done in that manger, on that cross, from that grave, and in His church!

Jesus Christ must return to earth!

Are you looking forward to that day?

Do you know why the weather all over the world seemed to be more and more severe? Why are we hearing more and more about wars? Why is technology changing every second? Why is the whole world having economic concerns?

The Bible talks a lot about the future! God has set the future! All of these things are happening to set up the return of Christ to earth! Jesus will return soon! It may happen today! We are to celebrate Christmas but we are to be ready for the return of Christ! Are you ready?

Let me remind you of what will happen when Jesus Christ returns to earth?

Those who have died but believed in Jesus Christ as their only Savior and Lord, will rise from their graves and meet Jesus in the clouds! Those who are still alive and believe in Jesus Christ will also be taken up to the sky to be with Jesus forever! This is great news for those who believe in Christ!

But those who do not believe in Christ as Lord and Savior will be left behind on earth when Jesus returns. And did you notice from the Scriptures we read, Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead and those who do not believe in Christ will be thrown to the eternal Lake of Fire. Are you really ready for the return of Christ on earth? It is good for us to celebrate Christmas and anticipate His return. But, each one of us must truly believe that Jesus Christ is the only Savior and God. Please do this today if you have never received Jesus Christ as your own Savior and God.

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