Isaiah 53 2, Jesus Had A Beautiful Character, And This Is What We All Want. Series
Contributed by Robert Irvine on Apr 10, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: We see what Jesus was like as a child, during his ministry, and at his execution, and how we should have a beautiful character
The Gospel writer Luke details Jesus’ birth at Bethlehem, and at Christmas time we celebrate His birth. Luke then proceeds to give us additional information about his childhood, including his annual trip from Nazareth to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. At the age of 12, still young, still a tender shoot, we see how he is beginning to understand his relationship with Father God. What is striking is how he sits with the religious leaders and asks questions and listens to them. These religious leaders, the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes were the ones who would later bring false allegations against Jesus and have him executed. Yet we see Jesus sitting down with them and having discussions with them. Despite the many shortcomings of the religious leaders, Jesus a young boy gave his elders respect.
My wife loves to be in the garden, and when it's winter, she brings the garden into the house, and plants are everywhere. At the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown, my wife and I were often in the garden tending to the plants. Lesley often joked that I pulled up the plants and left the weeds!
We planted new flowers, which were delicate and easy to damage. They were tender shoots; they were not fully grown plants that would be more capable of withstanding strong winds. These were tender shoots that needed gentle caring, they needed nurturing, watering, and feeding. They needed to be placed in the correct place in the garden to get the right amount of light for them to grow.
The Bible says that these tender shoots are like a root out of some dry ground. Any plant out of the ground will die, and the dry ground is where there is no water to sustain life. Any plant, and in particular young tender shoots could not grow in these conditions. In the summer months, Lesley and I could be in the garden for half an hour just watering the plants to make sure each plant was well watered in the dry conditions. Jesus grew up before God the Father like a tender shoot. When he was born, he was just as vulnerable as any newborn baby. Vulnerable to the elements, the heat in the day, and the cold in the night. He would be vulnerable to any personal attacks. As a baby, he would have been completely defenceless. As a baby, he had to be protected by his parents Mary and Joseph even from normal events that happened. Without his parents, the baby Jesus would not have survived for very long. Worse still, the wise men came to Judea and went straight to King Herod the Great and asked him where the baby was born that was going to be king. That was not a very wise thing to do! The baby Jesus was now in danger from one of the rulers of the country. Thankfully, God the Father looked down at His Son and saw the danger the newborn was in and told Joseph to take his fiancé and the baby to a place of safety. So, Joseph and Mary took the baby Jesus to Egypt and stayed there until King Herod died.
Jesus grew up as a carpenter's son. He didn’t grow up in a palace. He didn’t have any servants or wealth or status. Jesus grew up as a normal boy in a normal household. When he was older and was going about his ministry, he told a teacher of the Law that: "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” Jesus didn’t even have a house that he could call home. Later on, when Jesus had to pay some taxes, he told his disciples to go fishing and in the mouth of a fish would be the required amount to pay the tax. Jesus didn’t have any money to call his own. This Jesus was certainly not a majestic king surrounded by wealth and opulence. No, we see a picture of Jesus being in complete and utter poverty. Nothing in his appearance that we would find desirable. This verse certainly comes true in the life of Jesus Christ.
The verse states that Jesus was like a root out of dry ground. Ordinarily, plants/ trees will die if their roots are out of the ground and may struggle even to live in dry ground. But this difficulty didn’t stop Jesus. As an adult Jesus didn’t have any money, and any money that came his way was kept by Judas Iscariot, who was the keeper of the money box. The problem with this arrangement was that Judas was a thief. But this didn’t stop Jesus, as he said that he had another source of “food”. This food was to do the will of God. To reinforce this, Jesus went on to miraculously feed the five thousand and then the four thousand.