Is Jesus Christ, The "Messiah”? (2) Series
Contributed by Herbert Armstrong Bosantog on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Just what do you think when Jesus performed MIRACLES such as, HEALING, RAISING the DEAD to LIFE, etc… The MESSIAH came to bring GOOD NEWS to the BROKEN HEARTED, to ENCOURAGE the OPPRESSED and those that are PERSECUTED, to INSPIRE the HOPELESS, to lift up
Just What do You Think, SAVIOR?
“And He said unto them,
These are the words which I spake unto you…
which were written in the Law of Moses,
and in the Prophets,
and in the Psalms, concerning me.
Then opened He their understanding, that they
And said unto them, Thus it is written , and thus it behoved
Christ to SUFFER, and
to RISE from the DEAD the third day:
And that REPENTANCE and
REMISSIONS of sins should be PREACHED
(Luke 24:44-47).
Having THE MIND OF CHRIST, we should PREACH the REMISSION and FORGIVENESS of SINS, the “Gospel of PEACE”, in ALL NATIONS! That Jesus DIED for our SINS and ROSE from the DEAD, that He is ALIVE (Seated at the Right Hand of God), and is COMING SOON!
This was the MAGNIFICENT PURPOSE why Jesus Christ, the MESSIAH, was born HUMAN. To FULFILL ALL THINGS which were written in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets and in the Psalms. Begin to ask the Lord Jesus Christ to OPEN your UNDERSTANDING so you might UNDERSTAND ALL that it is WRITTEN in the Bible! Once your UNDERSTANDING was OPENED, you will begin to LEARN the WAYS of God. Soon, you will have THE MIND OF CHRIST. Notice, Jesus OPENED the UNDERSTANDING of His disciples. So they might have THE MIND OF CHRIST!
Just what do you think when Jesus performed MIRACLES such as, HEALING, RAISING the DEAD to LIFE, etc… The MESSIAH came to bring GOOD NEWS to the BROKEN HEARTED, to ENCOURAGE the OPPRESSED and those that are PERSECUTED, to INSPIRE the HOPELESS, to lift up the UNQUALIFIED and LOWLY, to bring us out of DARKNESS!
Let’s take a glance to what is written in the Law of Moses about QUALIFYING a PRIEST. In Leviticus 21:18-21, 23 (NLT), the Lord says,
“No one who has a defect may come near to Me, whether he is BLIND or LAME, STUNTED or DEFORMED, or has a BROKEN [Crippled, NIV] FOOT or HAND, or has a HUMPED BAK or is a DWARF, or has a DEFECTIVE EYE, or has oozing SORES or SCABS on his skin, or has DAMAGED TESTICLES. Even though he is a descendant of Aaron, his PHYSICAL DEFECT DISQUALIFY HIM from presenting offerings to the LORD by fire. Since he has a BLEMISH, he may not offer food to his God. Bec. of his physical defect, he must NEVER GO BEYOND the INNER CURTAIN… I am the LORD [Jesus Christ] who makes them HOLY.”
In the Law of Moses, only those QUALIFIED PRIESTS can OFFER SACRIFICES to God and can enter the INNER CURTAIN, “the Holy of Holies” “But ye are a CHOSEN GENERATION, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD… that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath CALLED you out of DARKENSS into His MARVELOUS LIGHT… to OFFER up Spiritual SACRIFICE, ACCEPTABLE to God by Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:9, 5). Notice, the word “STUNTED” in Leviticus 21:18, was translated as “FLAT NOSE” in ESV. It makes me laugh at heart, thinking of myself with a flat nose! Most Filipinos are flat nosed. Nevertheless, we are a CHOSEN GENERATION to PREPARE the WAY for the 2nd Coming of Christ , the MESSIAH!
Jesus Christ, the MESSIAH, came to FULFILL this Law, so that everyone will be QUALIFIED to OFFER SACRIFICES to the HOLY God and BOLDLY ENTER the “Holy of Holies” with CONFIDENCE. “Yet because of his physical defect, he must NEVER GO BEYOND THE INNER CURTAIN… I am the LORD [Jesus Christ] Who makes them HOLY.” (Leviticus 21: 23). Only Jesus Christ can make us HOLY! So through FAITH in the BLOOD of Jesus, we are QUALIFIED as a HOLY, ROYAL PRIEST.
Just after Jesus died, the “INNER CURTAIN” was torn (Matthew 27:51; John 15:38). “Having therefore, brethren, BOLDNESS to ENTER into the HOLIEST [Heaven’s Most Holy Place, NLT] by the BLOOD of Jesus, By a NEW and LIVING WAY, which he hath CONSECRATED for us, through the VEIL, that is to say, His FLESH; And having an HIGH PRIEST over the house of God; Let us draw near with a TRUE HEART in FULL ASSURANCE OF FAITH…” (Hebrews 10:19-22). With a TRUE, PURE and CLEAN HEART with FULL ASSURANCE of your FAITH, you can ENTER Heaven’s Most Holy Place! Not just Heaven, but Heaven’s Most Holy Place! I repeat, MOST HOLY PLACE!
Yes, you can ENTER the MOST HOLY PLACE. Where is this place? Remember, Heaven is INFINITE, LIMITLESS and ENDLESS, even far GREATER than the Universe. Then, where is the Heaven’s Most Holy Place? That’s the KINGDOM of God. Oh, I SEE, the KINGDOM of God! It requires BOLDNESS and CONFIDENCE to ENTER the KINGDOM of God with FULL ASSURANCE of FAITH that you are CONSECRATED by the BLOOD of Jesus. Everybody is QUALIFIED to ENTER the KINGDOM of God but ONLY those who BELIEVE who can ENTER! This is the GOOD NEWS, the Gospel of the KINGDOM of God!