How Can We Determine God's Will? Series
Contributed by Charles Jones on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: many in the church today there are some who are afraid to step in faith because the enemy has them afraid and a lot of times it’s because many are afraid to step out in faith.The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7 ," For God has not given us a spirit of fear, bu
How Can We Determine God’s Will?
You don’t have to put out a fleece or do you?
Judges 6:36 - 40
Christians believe that they should carefully obey God’s will. But how can we know what His will is? How should we go about making decisions that honor the Lord?
The example of Gideon is frequently cited as a model for godly decision making when it comes to the will of God. Before acting, Gideon carefully considered whether the Lord wanted him to rally an army and attack the Midianites. Twice he set out a fleece (a clump of wool) to make sure of God’s intentions (Judg. 6:36–40). On this basis, some have argued that before Christians make major decisions with long-range consequences, they should "put out a fleece before the Lord," seeking some tangible sign that indicates His will with certainty but I ask do we really need to?
One might ask is that an appropriate way to know God’s will? In considering the question, it is important to note that this is the only occasion in the Bible when God revealed His will through a fleece. It is also worth noting Gideon’s extreme hesitation, doubt, and fear.Like many in the church today there are some who are afraid to step in faith because the enemy has them afraid and a lot of times it’s because many are afraid to step out in faith.The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7 ," For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Think about it The Holy Ghost does not impart a spirit of fear or cowardice, but power, love and a sound mind. We cannot forget where our power comes from remember what Psalms 62:11 say’s " God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God. Anytime you hear something twice it should be a message of certainty. I have learned that when God speaks thats it. The late Kenneth E. Hagin use to say," If God said it, I believe it and that settles it." Psalms 119:89 say’s , " Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven." Now think about this "if all things are upheld by the word of His power." Hebrews 1:3 You know the earth spins on its pedastal without tipping over,the sun rotates around the earth at just enough distance as to not burn it up,the clouds though they look like fluffy pillows they never fall out of the sky,the oceans have boundaries yet they have been commanded not to overflow there boundaries, do you understand where I am going with this? If the Word of His Power can do all of this and "He watches over His word to perform it ."Jeremiah 1:12 , then why can’t we believe Him when it comes to us?Like Gideon the Lord tells us what He is going to do and instead of believing Him we feel we need to put out a fleece.Remember now that the Lord had already told him what to do through the Angel of the Lord (6:11–16). In fact, the Angel had already given Gideon a confirming sign (6:17–22).
In light of these facts, Gideon’s use of the fleece would appear to demonstrate a lack of faith more than any zeal to be certain of God’s will. Fortunately, God was very patient with him and granted his request for a confirming sign. But it seems that using a fleece to determine God’s will was the exception rather than the rule, and thus does not serve as the best pattern for how we can depend on God for guidance.
You can know the will of God for yourself. ( Check Seperate Sheet on Seven Ways To Find God’s Best )
Is there a more reliable way? Yes, God has clearly and objectively told us what He wants throughout the Bible. For example, the Ten Commandments give straightforward instructions to guide our behavior in numerous areas of life. Likewise, one of the New Testament letters to the Thessalonians says plainly, "This is the will of God" (1 Thess. 4:3). The passage then goes on to outline some of God’s will in regard to sexuality.
Thus when it comes to making choices in life, God calls us to clear thinking—thinking that is based on our relationship with Him and our allegiance to His values, which are clearly spelled out in Scripture. God has made us to be thinking, discerning, analytical persons who assume responsibility for working our way through life in accordance with His general plans and purposes. He challenges us to learn all that we can about any situation, relationship, responsibility, or opportunity that we have, weigh it in light of His precepts and principles, and then act. As we act, we can take comfort from the fact that He is at work within us, "both to will and to do for His good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).