
Summary: Something else is revealed in the gospel as well and Paul uses the struggle of the Roman church to demonstrate an essential truth: The Gospel is for Everybody because Everybody Needs the Gospel.

Recovered By Grace: Everybody


Last week we began our series through Romans under the theme Recovered by Grace. We talked about the background of the letter to the Roman church and the clash of cultures that was driving struggles there. We ended on one of the best known verses in the letter:

Romans 1:16-18 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel, the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

The righteousness of God is the greatest measure of his holiness and grace - and this is revealed by the gospel. Those who live by faith receive this righteousness for their own. This is the power of God to bring salvation to everyone! This is what is revealed in the Gospel.

Something else is revealed in the gospel as well and Paul uses the struggle of the Roman church to demonstrate an essential truth: The Gospel is for Everybody because Everybody Needs the Gospel.

1. The Wrath of God is Revealed (1:18-32)

God’s wrath is revealed against everything opposed to him. Ungodliness, Wickedness, Suppression of truth (18-20). While the creation testifies to God’s divine nature and power. Yarbrough: “This is a natural knowledge of God, the sense experienced by people in all places and times that there is something ‘out there’ in or beyond the stars, or something ‘deep inside’ human existence or consciousness, that transcends mere man. We are not alone.”

But, men ruled by sin deny what is evident before them. This is the exact opposite of the gospel! The attempted undoing of the work of God to save the world. In their human wisdom and sophistication, they chose the foolish path of darkness, ignoring what was before them. Barclay: “In this passage, we are face to face with the fact that the essence of sin is to put self in the place of God.”

“God Gave Them Up” said three times here:

-God gave them up to worship the creature (1:24-25)

-God gave them up to shameful lusts (1:26-27)

-God gave them up to a depraved mind (1:28-31)

What a frightening description. God gives men free will and he respects that free will.

Ephesians 4:19 “Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.” Barclay: “It is one of the grim facts of life that the more a man sins the easier it is to sin….Sin is always a lie.… In the end, it ruins life, both for himself and for others, in this world and in the world to come.”

Paul is building his case that everyone is under the threat of the wrath of God. Wrath is “a state of intense passion, anger, or indignation” (Swindoll). His list of 21 sins doesn’t leave anyone out. Even those who approve of what is being practiced (31). God gave them up to do what they chose to do - man’s complete righteousness breakdown.

2. The Judgment of God is Revealed (2:1-5; 3:10-12)

Two unrighteous responses. Judging others / hypocritical (2:3). Downplaying sin as a justification (2:4). God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance, not excusing your sin!

Everybody is Unrighteousness (3:10-12). The wicked and depraved. The Jews who trusted in their law-keeping to save them. The Gentiles who thought they were good and nice enough. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and falls short of the glory of God. There is only one path away from the wrath and judgment of God. What would it take to rescue this race of sinners?

3. God’s Recovery of Humanity is Expressed (3:23-26)

-Romans 1:17 For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith

-Romans 3:21- Righteousness from God is revealed

-Romans 3:22 - Righteousness from God through faith

-Romans 3:23-26 - The Big Guns

Justifies - granted the status of “not guilty”. Greear: “Our righteousness, in God’s eyes, is now based on the righteousness of Christ which has been credited to our account.”Z Barclay “God treats the ungodly as if he had been a good man.” (Because of Jesus!)

Grace - undeserved and unearned gift of God that forgives and frees us to live by the Spirit. Achtemeier “the power of grace to change the reality it encounters.”

Redemption. Means “To buy something back.” Jesus on the cross said “It is finished” - a single word that is actually an ancient banking term, meaning “It is paid”. Jesus paid the price to buy us back from death, for life…for God.” (Greear) Jesus paid it all.

Propitiation / Atonement / Expiation. Greear: “God’s wrath has been satisfied; his claim against us is settled.” Merida: “the cleansing or wiping away of sin.” Each one tell us that Jesus took my place and allowed a

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