Advancing Through The Challenges Series
Contributed by John Dobbs on Jul 14, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: In today’s text I’m more interested in noting the message to the Philippians that can FUEL THEIR FAITH … Paul’s message is that Christians are Advancing Through The Challenges.
Advancing Through The Challenges
Philippians 1:12-20
American Ninja Warrior is a television show in its 14th season on NBC. People as young as 15 years
old from all over America compete on the world’s most difficult obstacle courses. “A top prize
of $1 million will go to the winner who can conquer all four stages at the National Finals in Las Vegas. To get there, competitors will need to make it through the qualifying rounds and Semifinals.” (NBC) This popular television show is possibly merging into more traditional arenas. According to Sports Illustrated, “The Ninja Warrior course is currently under consideration to be added as the fifth discipline in the modern pentathlon for when the Games return to the United States…” I know that’s exciting news for fans of the show.
Apostle Paul often used athletic terms in his messages. But in today’s text I’m more interested in noting the message to the Philippians that can FUEL THEIR FAITH … Paul’s message is that Christians are Advancing Through The Challenges.
Many Challenges hinder our Christian walk and steal the focus away from our mission. Everyone is dealing with some hard things - they sometimes distract us. If we want fuel for our faith, we must focus on moving forward in spite of the obstacles. Last week we talked about being focused on the finish line. Today we are going to talk about how to advance through the obstacles and challenges as we make our way through the Jesus life.
In today’s text, Paul opens up about some difficult relationships and events in his life and how he plans to address those with faith.
Philippians 1:12 “Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.”
What Happened to Paul? He is currently in prison. Wright: “For a traveling apostle to be put in prison must have seemed like a concert pianist having his hands tied behind his back. How can he possibly continue the work he’s been called to do?”
- His imprisonment can be a source of embarrassment to some believers.
- His imprisonment can be a discouragement to him
- His imprisonment can give his enemies a platform to speak against him
- His imprisonment could be a source of shame
Yet, the gospel is advanced. The word “advance” has the idea of something that cuts away the underbrush so an army can go forward. Paul … went out in front and cleared the way for others. (Holladay) Ultimately Paul says he will not be ashamed because his only goal is to honor Jesus Christ - to Advance through the Challenges!
Things happen in your life that are hard, challenging, sometimes discouraging. What does Paul share here that can help us when we hit obstacles along the way?
1. Stay Focused (1:13)
Philippians 1:13 As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.
Paul does not allow his imprisonment to keep him from sharing the Gospel of Jesus.
LifeChange: “As each soldier took his turn chained to Paul, he was a captive audience hearing Paul pray, read Scripture, dictate letters, and receive visitors. Paul may have preached directly to the guards and taken a personal interest in them.” He remains focused on his obsession with Jesus by seeing the potential in his prison. Whatever obstacles you are facing in your life, remember to stay focused on Jesus. Make it clear to yourself and to any around you that you are a servant of Christ. We do this not only with words but also with our actions, attitudes, and compassion. So many Bible characters teach us this same message.
Wiersbe: “The same God who used Moses’ rod, Gideon’s pitchers, and David’s sling used Paul’s chains. Little did the Romans realize that the chains they affixed to his wrists would release Paul instead of bind him.”
Holladay: “...Look beyond the circumstance to see the result….to recognize what God was doing through those circumstances.”
When we let our life circumstances cause us to lose connection to Christ, we miss opportunities to let God work through those circumstances.
2. Be Confident (1:14)
Philippians 1:14 And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.
Influence is such an important part of the Christian life. Paul is going to talk about this more in chapter 2, but he is clear that because of his own example others are willing to be bold. Wiersbe: “Discouragement has a way of spreading, but so does encouragement. Because of Paul’s joyful attitude, the believers in Rome took fresh courage and witnessed boldly for Christ.” When facing our obstacles it is important to remember: