
Summary: This is the 18th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".

Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#18]


Matthew 23:37


We are continuing in our Series about the most mentioned City in the Bible- Jerusalem.

Matthew 23:37

We have been studying how Nehemiah rebuilt and replaced the gates around Jerusalem. As we look at the last 3 Gates that were rebuilt by Nehemiah, I want us to realize that there is dual application. At each of these Gates, there is an immediate application and then there is a prophetic application.

Nehemiah 3:28

1. The Horse Gate.

This was the gate where the Kings of Israel would pass with their chariots and horses as they went to and from the palace. When they left the city to do battle, they would ride out at the head of the army. When the battle was over, and the victory was won they would come back in through the Horse Gate either riding in the victor’s chariot or riding on a white charger to signify that they were the conqueror of their enemies.

We need to realize that as Christians, we are in...

* God’s Army.

When you read about horses in the Bible, they represent 2 attributes in the Christian life- Discipline and warfare. God is preparing you for battle through discipline. Your exercise in studying the Word, prayer, and serving the Lord; is all a part of your disciplinary training. God gives us all that we need to be victorious; but He also allows us to make choices. You choose whether or not to sin. You choose what comes out of your mouth. By the way, what comes out of your mouth is an indicator of the condition of your heart. Do you want to be victorious? James gives us the keys to victory, and it is found in discipline. Submit to God. Resist the devil. Go to God. Wash your hands and purify your hearts. Grieve, mourn, and wail. Humble yourselves before the Lord.

We need to realize that as Christians…

* Jesus is coming again.

A 2nd view of the Horse Gate is that it also reminds us of the Second Coming of Jesus. Spiritual warfare is a requirement of every Christian because we are all in a battle against the powers of darkness. That warfare requires discipline, and when we have fought a good fight and kept the faith; then we shall go to be with the Lord in the air. Then there will come a day when we shall all return to this earth with Jesus in the lead. We will all be riding white horses as we follow the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords into one final battle against the devil.

Nehemiah 3:29

2. The East Gate.

The East Gate has been set-aside especially by God and was known by Jews for 1 particular event- The coming of the Messiah to deliver Israel in the last days. Today, this gate is known as the Golden Gate. This gate was not damaged when Nebuchadnezzar’s army conquered Jerusalem. There was no damage to repair. God’s design in this undamaged gate is to let us know that His Word and prophecies are true, and no man can mess that up.

The Lord told Ezekiel to close this gate and seal it up until Jesus came back and entered through it. The East Gate, when it is open, provides access to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. When Jesus returns, He will return to this mountain. When His feet 1st touch the earth, it will cause a great earthquake and the Mount of Olives will split in 2. Then, Jesus will enter Jerusalem through the East Gate. When we talk about the Second Coming of Christ, we are talking about when His feet will touch the ground. This will take place after the 7 years of tribulation. This is the part of the promise that we are still waiting on; but there are some important things for us to consider about this Gate that apply right now.

We need to be…

* Watching.

Jesus said that we could tell that a storm was coming by watching the signs. The signs show that Jesus’ coming is soon.

* Ready.

Only the Father knows when Jesus is coming back. We must live each moment as Jesus is coming back right now. If you are here without Christ as Savior and you are thinking well I’m going to wait just a little longer before I do this Jesus thing; I want to tell you that you may run out of time.

* Caring.

Christians, if time is almost up; we need to be concerned about the many people who will be left behind. Until Christ comes again or takes us Home, we need to be about sharing the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ.

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By: C Vincent

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