The Hope That Comes From God's Temple Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 14th sermon in the series "3:16- Numbers That Bring Hope".
Series: 3:16- Numbers That Bring Hope [#14]
2 Chronicles 3:16
On this Palm Sunday, we are going to continue our series from chapter 3 verse 16 of each Book of the Bible. Palm Sunday is the day that we celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
John 12:12-13 (NIV)
“The next day the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Blessed is the King of Israel!"
Our text this morning, describes the Temple that King Solomon had built. The Temple that Jesus went to that day He triumphantly entered Jerusalem, was the 2nd Temple that had been built. As we saw last week, Solomon’s Temple was destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
Early in Jesus’ ministry, He told the people to destroy the Temple and He would raise it back in 3 days. In His last days of ministry on this Earth, He told the Disciples that the Temple would be destroyed and that not even 1 stone would be left on top of another. At Jesus’ trial, the 2 witnesses against Jesus said that Jesus had said that He would destroy the Temple of God and rebuild it in 3 days.
Today, Christians are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. As a Christian, your body is the Temple. This morning, I want us to look at the 2 pillars that were in front of Solomon’s Temple and see how that relates to us as Christians.
2 Chronicles 3:15-17 (NIV)
“In the front of the temple he made two pillars, which [together] were thirty-five cubits long, each with a capital on top measuring five cubits. He made interwoven chains and put them on top of the pillars. He also made a hundred pomegranates and attached them to the chains. He erected the pillars in the front of the temple, one to the south and one to the north. The one to the south he named Jakin and the one to the north Boaz."
There is hope in…
1. New beginnings.
The pillar named Jakin means, “He establishes”. When you give your life to Jesus, you begin a brand new life. It has always been said that it is so much easier to start something new and fresh then it is to try to fix something that is broken.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you get to start over. In fact, even if you have been a Christian for a long time; you can start new each day. A fresh start to each day should be a pillar in each Christian’s life.
There is hope in…
2. God’s strength.
The pillar named Boaz means, “In Him is strength”. Christians, your strength is found in Christ, not yourself. In the Book of Nehemiah, he says, “The joy of the Lord is my strength”. Do you want to be strong in the Lord? Do you want to have joy?
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can have the strength you need to make it through any situation; and you can be joyful throughout the whole thing.
Is your life held up by the strength and power of God? If you feel weak and down today, let me remind you that you can do all things through Jesus Christ, Who gives you strength.