Remembrance Sunday - Remember To Remember Series
Contributed by Dean Courtier on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A Remembrance Sunday Reflection on what we should remember about our Lord.
Remembrance Sunday is set aside to remember those who have given their lives for the freedom of others.
Sadly for some people, today will come and go without them giving any real thought to the meaning of today.
What and why do we need to remember?
We remember the reality of what actually happened.
We remember the dedication of those who fought and died.
Remembering should stir within us a sense of gratitude and appreciation.
Remembering the commitment and sacrifice of others should also strengthen our own resolve to do our part in serving God and others.
Throughout the Bible, God’s people are instructed to stop and remember what He has done for us.
Listen to the opening verses of Psalm 105.
Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness. Let the whole world know what He has done.
2 Sing to Him; yes, sing His praises. Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds.
3 Exult in His holy name; rejoice, you who worship the Lord.
4 Search for the Lord and for His strength; continually seek Him.
5 Remember the wonders He has performed, His miracles, and the rulings He has given.
7 He is the Lord our God. His justice is seen throughout the land.
8 He always stands by His covenant—the commitment He made to a thousand generations. (Psalm 105:1-5,7-8)
Psalm 105 is a song of remembrance of God’s goodness to His beloved ones.
It traces His direction, provision and protection through their history and the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses.
For us as believers today, we can look back over history and how God has been active.
God has been, and continues to be, at work in the daily lives of His people.
How often do you take the time to remember what God has done in your life?
How often do you just pause and thank Him for His presence and provision in your life?
There is a natural progression in what happens when we pause — when we make time to remember.
It’s important that we take the time to thank Him for what He has done.
Do you find your self breaking into songs of worship and praise as you rejoice in His goodness to you?
Is the only time you sing is when you are in church?
What about when you are at home?
Or in the car?
Or walking round the market doing your shopping?
How often do you take the opportunity to tell others what God has done in your own life?
Maybe you will talk with a few Christian friends in church, or maybe there have even been times when you have come forward and given a testimony about what God has done in your life.
But what about to your family and friends who are not Christians - do you tell them what God has done and is doing in your life?
Are you telling them about the difference God has made in your life?
Are you telling them about the difference God could make in their lives?
All of us have many things to be thankful for.
All of us have experienced the love, mercy and grace of God at work in our own lives.
All of us should be willing to tell others about His greatness.
Maybe if we took more time to remember how God has had His hand upon our lives, then telling others about His love and goodness would come a little more naturally to us.
Perhaps the key for us is not just being able to rejoice in what God has done in the past, we can also remember that in Jesus our future is also secure.
Jesus is the promised Messiah.
Jesus willingly left the glory of Heaven to come on a rescue mission to save us.
Jesus came because of His love for us.
Jesus came to restore our relationship with God the Father.
Jesus was incarnated into this world to do more than teach us and tell us how we should live - He came to die on the cross so that by the shedding of His own blood we could be forgiven.
The perfect one died for the imperfect, for us.
The shedding of His blood washed away our sins.
Christ’s sacrifice on the cross was sufficient to pay the price for the sins of everyone who repents and trusts in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
When Jesus rose from the grave, He conquered death, He conquered hell, He conquered the grave.
Then He ascended into Heaven and He has gone to prepare a place for those who believe and trust in Him as Saviour. And one day He is coming back.
This morning remember,
if you have been saved by repenting,
by turning away from your sins,