Christian Views Embracing Lgbtqia+ Series
Contributed by Dennis King on Apr 25, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: I think too few Christians are willing to embrace gays with open arms and hearts, as we should, but also, too many gays seethe and release their anger on anyone is not willing to endorse or affirm their dissenting lifestyles.
Christian Views Embracing LGBTQIA+
Allow me to start this brief essay off with the NIV Bible verse of Romans 2:1, You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.
For clarity and brevity within this discussion, the use words such as gay, gayness, and homosexual are meant to be inclusive of the entire LGBTQIA+ community. Many people believe that there are few Christians willing to embrace gays with open arms and hearts as we should. But also, too many gays seethe and release their anger on anyone is not willing to endorse or affirm their dissenting lifestyles. But as Christians we should not substantiate their life choices, but we should pray for them.
However, as an entirely different consideration, if you think, by any type of Christian forgiveness standards, we should be required to validate your 'LBT movements of the 1990s, or the modified 'LGBT identifications at the turn of this century, or your currently trending 'LGBTQIA+' community designations, you are mistaken. Also, most Christians, and the 'normal community' at large, will not bow to assuage the recent onslaught of the newly invented usages for everyday pronouns.
We are going to study Christ's Words offering salvation for all sinners that accept Him. We are all sinners, yet salvation is assured for every sinner who, by faith, accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord. So, please, read on.
In a recent survey among Americans, 6.4 percent of females and 4.9 percent of males identified themselves as part of the LGBT community. Over the last decade, studies have shown that American society has grown more welcoming or accepting of members of that community. However, discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is still a serious concern in the United States, and under current law—illegal. Back in 2001, 53 percent of respondents stated they believe gay or lesbian relations to be morally wrong, but in 2020, this number had shrunk to 32 percent.
In the last few decades, homosexuality has moved from the margins of society to the mainstream in movies, television, music entertainment. In response to this societal shift, Christians would do well to sort through the myths to discover the true facts concerning the social impact homosexuality has on individuals, families, churches, schools, and marriage. Within a balance of God’s truth, found in the Bible, and a desire to bring the messages of Christ to all believers and non-believers alike, let's dissect what is known from what is more often just surmised about homosexuality. The Bible is not silent on this subject and offers wisdom, as do the morals and values of the greater community.
Why Do People Embrace Homosexuality?
Modern science is constantly working to show that genetics is one of the causes of being gay, although other science conflicts in this area. Psychology Today has stated, “In recent years, evidence has accumulated that a homosexual orientation is inherited. Study of family histories reveals that homosexual men have more homosexuals in their family tree than do heterosexuals.” and “The precise genes involved in the causes of being gay have not yet been identified but they appear to come from the mother.” Plus, it is written, additional studies have found that the brains of homosexuals differ from the brains of heterosexuals. The connections in the amygdala and the corpus callosum have both been shown to be different depending on the sexual orientation of the individual.
I know that sounds mighty highfalutin and fancy, but I venture to guess the same, differing types of connections can be observed, recorded, and documented just between plain old boys and girls. Also, the above 'Modern Science Quotes' uses terms like conflicts, evidence, accumulated, reveals, causes, appears to come, and gay brains differ. But the way this article presents these patently canted theories and-or beliefs—is as facts, to camouflage they often are just stating their personal opinions or unsubstantiated beliefs.
Keep in mind I am not a doctor, psychiatrist, or certified counselor, though, in a humble way, I do offer Christian counsel via these heartfelt epistles. Common sense leads me to believe there are four primary reasons people convert to homosexuality; Choice, Force, Peer Pressure, and/or Environmental Up Bringing. Supposedly learned sources report psychological reasons appear to be part of why a person goes gay. What other sources say about what makes people gay include;
The absence of a male role model
A dominating female in a gay man's upbringing
Gay parents' pressures
Individual experiences affecting an individual's sense of self
Strong deviance from or strong adherence to gender roles.
Whomever stated the last 'reason' surely attempted to cover their butts without sticking their neck out. Didn't they?
As in most other fields, historically, there has been considerably more research compiled on men than on women. Much of the '70s and '80s research found their participating subjects at bars and or gay community centers. Thus, those study group settings tended to have more men than women. It is written that the causes of sexual-orientation deviations are different for men than they are for women? It is said, more gay males have older brothers than gay females have older sisters. Therefore, (some speculate) the 'cause' inherit-ability estimates of gayness' tend to be higher for men than women. Even though the same sources will admit they don't know why?