Summary: I think too few Christians are willing to embrace gays with open arms and hearts, as we should, but also, too many gays seethe and release their anger on anyone is not willing to endorse or affirm their dissenting lifestyles.

Christian Views Embracing LGBTQIA+

Allow me to start this brief essay off with the NIV Bible verse of Romans 2:1, You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

For clarity and brevity within this discussion, the use words such as gay, gayness, and homosexual are meant to be inclusive of the entire LGBTQIA+ community. Many people believe that there are few Christians willing to embrace gays with open arms and hearts as we should. But also, too many gays seethe and release their anger on anyone is not willing to endorse or affirm their dissenting lifestyles. But as Christians we should not substantiate their life choices, but we should pray for them.

However, as an entirely different consideration, if you think, by any type of Christian forgiveness standards, we should be required to validate your 'LBT movements of the 1990s, or the modified 'LGBT identifications at the turn of this century, or your currently trending 'LGBTQIA+' community designations, you are mistaken. Also, most Christians, and the 'normal community' at large, will not bow to assuage the recent onslaught of the newly invented usages for everyday pronouns.

We are going to study Christ's Words offering salvation for all sinners that accept Him. We are all sinners, yet salvation is assured for every sinner who, by faith, accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord. So, please, read on.

In a recent survey among Americans, 6.4 percent of females and 4.9 percent of males identified themselves as part of the LGBT community. Over the last decade, studies have shown that American society has grown more welcoming or accepting of members of that community. However, discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is still a serious concern in the United States, and under current law—illegal. Back in 2001, 53 percent of respondents stated they believe gay or lesbian relations to be morally wrong, but in 2020, this number had shrunk to 32 percent.

In the last few decades, homosexuality has moved from the margins of society to the mainstream in movies, television, music entertainment. In response to this societal shift, Christians would do well to sort through the myths to discover the true facts concerning the social impact homosexuality has on individuals, families, churches, schools, and marriage. Within a balance of God’s truth, found in the Bible, and a desire to bring the messages of Christ to all believers and non-believers alike, let's dissect what is known from what is more often just surmised about homosexuality. The Bible is not silent on this subject and offers wisdom, as do the morals and values of the greater community.

Why Do People Embrace Homosexuality?

Modern science is constantly working to show that genetics is one of the causes of being gay, although other science conflicts in this area. Psychology Today has stated, “In recent years, evidence has accumulated that a homosexual orientation is inherited. Study of family histories reveals that homosexual men have more homosexuals in their family tree than do heterosexuals.” and “The precise genes involved in the causes of being gay have not yet been identified but they appear to come from the mother.” Plus, it is written, additional studies have found that the brains of homosexuals differ from the brains of heterosexuals. The connections in the amygdala and the corpus callosum have both been shown to be different depending on the sexual orientation of the individual.

I know that sounds mighty highfalutin and fancy, but I venture to guess the same, differing types of connections can be observed, recorded, and documented just between plain old boys and girls. Also, the above 'Modern Science Quotes' uses terms like conflicts, evidence, accumulated, reveals, causes, appears to come, and gay brains differ. But the way this article presents these patently canted theories and-or beliefs—is as facts, to camouflage they often are just stating their personal opinions or unsubstantiated beliefs.

Keep in mind I am not a doctor, psychiatrist, or certified counselor, though, in a humble way, I do offer Christian counsel via these heartfelt epistles. Common sense leads me to believe there are four primary reasons people convert to homosexuality; Choice, Force, Peer Pressure, and/or Environmental Up Bringing. Supposedly learned sources report psychological reasons appear to be part of why a person goes gay. What other sources say about what makes people gay include;

The absence of a male role model

A dominating female in a gay man's upbringing

Gay parents' pressures

Individual experiences affecting an individual's sense of self

Strong deviance from or strong adherence to gender roles.

Whomever stated the last 'reason' surely attempted to cover their butts without sticking their neck out. Didn't they?

As in most other fields, historically, there has been considerably more research compiled on men than on women. Much of the '70s and '80s research found their participating subjects at bars and or gay community centers. Thus, those study group settings tended to have more men than women. It is written that the causes of sexual-orientation deviations are different for men than they are for women? It is said, more gay males have older brothers than gay females have older sisters. Therefore, (some speculate) the 'cause' inherit-ability estimates of gayness' tend to be higher for men than women. Even though the same sources will admit they don't know why?

Everyone should instinctively know that the two genders have and display sexual tendencies that are very different. Even puberty occurs at different stages in life and the hormonal changes, and inbred urges, of puberty contrast greatly. *Note: if you are offended that I stated 'two genders,' then you have a personal problem, not me. I will not allow my brain to be stained with Politically Incorrect Speech (PIS). Most Christians, and the majority of society, resist being forced to accept any artificial diversity or equity premises, brought to the forefront during the last few decades, against all the evidence of human biology. That there are only two genders has been humanly, legally, and religiously sanctified by thousand and thousand of years of evidentiary recordings by some of the wisest humans to walk this earth. If you do not accept these truths to be fact, I suggest you might be afflicted as in Romans 1:22. It'll mean more to you to look it up than if I just told you the verse outright.

What Percentage Of The Population Is Estimated To Be Homosexual?

U.S. women estimate that 29.7% of all Americans are gay or lesbian, which is higher than the men's estimate of 17.4% gayness of the population. The overall average estimates of the U.S. gay population vary by age. Adults aged eighteen to twenty-nine estimate this at 28.5%. Adults aged sixty-five and older offer the lowest estimate of 17.5%. Among political groups, Democrats and independents estimate that about a 25% of Americans are gay or lesbian, while the average guess among Republicans is a lower (18.3%).

Do not be deceived. All the above figures are estimates, guesstimates, and/or the writer's opinions. Guess what they are based on? Perception is one answer. Propaganda is another.

But wait, you might say, “We're Americans. We aren't subject to propaganda.” As revised on Feb. 26, 2023, to reflect Gallup's latest estimate that 7.2% of American adults’ identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than straight or heterosexual. That percentage has doubled since Gallup first measured these statistical identifications in 2012. Just a decade or so ago, the number or Americans that identified themselves as a part of this group was a mere 0.04 percent. How many people would have had to come out of the closet to reach the inflated numbers of today that estimate over 25%?

Can you guess why, what, or which influential element(s) has led the opinions of American down this convoluted, many say, wayward path? The percentage of homosexual characters portrayed in movies and television by decades has exploded from a one to five ratio from 2005 to 2017.

'Where Are We On TV?' by LGBT advocacy organization GLAAD, report data of how the LGBT community is being represented in media throughout the 2000s to the 2010s. Their data shows rising trends in positive LGBT representation in media. Remember, 'their positive' just might be God's negative. What do you think?

Their data shows a growth from 10 recurring characters in 2005 to over 50 characters shown on prime time television broadcasts in 2017. To produce its 2015 “Studio Responsibility Index,” the homosexual advocacy group, GLAAD analyzed the film releases of seven major film studios and their auxiliaries. The major film studios featured at least one gay character in twenty-nine of their films. That figure is not a percent. Twenty-nine is the factual numbers of movies out of 161 films released. Now, balance that in your mind with the Apr 16, 2015 Gallup poll, which found that only 3.4 percent of the U.S. population identifies as homosexual, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. So at that time frame, movies were over 18% gay, while the population was less the 4%. Almost five times more. Are you guessing the increase of gayness we are experiencing currently is just a normal rise? No, it is not. It is a calculated and corrosive attack on moral values. God's values, one might add!

Talk about propaganda, TV and movies lead the deception that gay is normal. Now, none of that even includes the persuasiveness of comic books, cartoons, news casts, or award shows that portray all this gayness as happy, happy times.

Are There Quantifiable Connections Between Being Gay And Suicide Or Attempted Suicide?

Absolutely! Go to any internet site promoting homosexuality and I'll guarantee you something you will always see. Guess what? Nothing but smiling, happy people, and, in the older sense of my vocabulary, everybody appears to be having a gay-old-time. Pun intended. Two other images you will see there are couples in love and happiness abounding. But what are the facts?

A study in November 2021, by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, has data from national surveys on health during the timeline of 2015 through 2019 reported that lesbian, gay and bisexual adults were three to six times more likely than heterosexual adults to suffer suicidal thoughts, make plans to carry out their suicide, or make actual suicide attempts. Those figures certainly do not reflect happy, happy days? Do they?

But maybe gay teens are happier? Not by a long shot, according to verifiable statics. Gay teens are more than twice as likely to attempt suicide than normal, heterosexual teens. If the term 'normal heterosexual' upsets you, that's your problem. Not mine. If three quarters of the population identifies as heterosexual, and the minority doesn't, then the larger polling, by every well thought out consideration, represents; The Norm.

Researchers at the Williams Institute, a sexual orientation and gender identity think tank at the UCLA School of Law, found that 30 percent of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual respondents, aged 18 to 25, reported at least one suicide attempt, compared to 24 percent of those 34-41 and 21 percent of those aged from 52 to 59. But percentages do not live and breathe. Those numbers do not leave grieving, moms, dads and loving sibling behind to wonder 'WHY?' 500,000 LGBTQ youths attempt suicide every year. Unfortunately, 50,000 young, confused children succeed in leaving this world and on to the next. And at the next location, they might find out they are not in a blessed place. For all eternity—what a shame. What a wanton waste of young, confused lives.

Is Homosexuality Worse Than Any Other Sins?

No! All sins are abomination in the eyes of God, and all sins are washable in the Blood of Christ Jesus, if you have faithfully called upon Christ to be your personal Savior.

Many ask, is homosexuality more detrimental to a society than any of the other sins? I say, 'Yes!' To society, not worse in God's eyes. I do not believe homosexuality to be any worse than say, adultery, stealing, or just being plain mean or hateful to somebody else.

In the face of an argument along this vein, John Piper acknowledged that other sins, such as greed and pride, are much more widespread than the sin of homosexual behavior.

The well-known theologian preached, “I do not doubt that millions more people are ruined in this life and the next through greed and covetousness, through pride, through selfishness, through excessive anger than are ruined because of same-sex orientation or through homosexual behavior.”

Reverend Piper gave two main reasons for his position: “On one hand, the sins of greed and pride and selfishness and anger are more widespread than either same-sex attraction or homosexual behavior. On the other hand, the sins of greed and pride and selfishness and anger are more subtle and disguise themselves more easily as acceptable. Yes, the number of people who are ruined in this life and the next by the sins of greed, pride, selfishness, and anger is vastly greater than the number of people ruined by same-sex orientation or sinful homosexual behavior.”

But the Preacher went further to answer what he felt was an implied question: Why then is so much attention paid to homosexuality? Outlining his reasons, Piper noted that the media has a big part to play in which topics are highlighted and which are not. “It isn't Christians who put homosexuality in the news. Christians are drawn to explain our position in public through preaching and writing as often as we do these days because the media have made the issue so public that we feel we need to serve Christians with careful, biblical answers.” Also, he impassioned, that unlike many other 'accepted sins,' homosexual behavior “has articulate and forceful advocates and defenders.

This is a major reason homosexual sin is so prevalent, and 'in your face.' There are more than 30 LGBTQIA+ advocacy groups active today. By checking WikipediA you'll read more than 40 similar groups have come and gone. What some of them are preaching in elementary and kindergarten schools is despicable and beyond the pale of what a moral society should accept.

How will the atheists, agnostics, and other skeptical non-believers know how we think, unless we stand up for God and the truth? As Christians we have a mission to speak of Jesus the Christ as the only way to salvation. We have been commanded to take the message of Jesus to all the nations of the world, and, in doing so, we must bluntly face sin—any and all sins, as sin. Certainly, even our own sins.

Did Jesus Remove God’s Condemnation Of Homosexuality?

When confronted with verses in the New Testament against homosexuality, One of the most frequent, false argument used supporting homosexuality as a moral activity revolves around the fact that Jesus Himself never said anything specifically about homosexuality. That argument is both fallacious and erroneous for at least two crucial reasons.

First, a statement of that nature would have to assume that the Words of Jesus are more authoritative than the rest of the Bible. The Old and New Testament both contain and reveal the recorded evidence of God's Word. To say Jesus never condemned gayness is to say that the words Jesus inspired any of the apostles to write are not God's words. Second Timothy 3:16 made it clear by revealing, “All Scripture is inspired by God.” Which is not to say, any human on earth fully understands the complete meanings of all of God’s words in their entirety.

Secondly, the argument fails to acknowledge the truthfulness of the Old Testament regarding homosexuality. Let me elaborate on that statement this way. Let’s say somebody came up to you and erroneously stated, “I believe President Trump is pro-slavery.” You ask, “That's crazy. Why would you say such a thing?” And your friend replies, “Well, I did some internet research. Of all the speeches Trump gave, not once did he speak against slavery. Therefore, he has to be pro-slavery.” Would that be logical, of course not? At his inauguration, the president Trump swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. And the 13th Amendment to our Constitution abolished slavery in the United States. Thus, by swearing to uphold our Constitution, he was saying, “I am going to uphold all the laws, including laws against slavery.”

Think of Jesus with the same logical process. When Jesus upheld and sanctified the Old Testament, He was automatically condemning homosexuality. There is nothing recorded in the four Gospels where Jesus specifically mentions homosexuality the way Paul did in 1 Cor. 6:9. But, He does condemn it indirectly by affirming the Old Testament standard of heterosexual marriage as well as citing Old Testament references of condemnation where homosexuality was involved. As examples: Leviticus 18:22, You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. Leviticus 20:13, If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them.

Are those two examples any different in God's eyes than the sinners identified in these? Deuteronomy 22:22, If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, both of them shall die, the man who lay with the woman, and the woman; so you shall purge the evil from Israel. Or Romans 1:24-28, Easy-to-Read Version provides a very clear biblical stance on homosexuality: People wanted only to do evil. So God left them and let them go their sinful way. And so they became completely immoral and used their bodies in shameful ways with each other. They traded the truth of God for a lie. They bowed down and worshiped the things God made instead of worshiping the God who made those things. He is the one who should be praised forever. Amen.

Because people did those things, God left them and let them do the shameful things they wanted to do. Women stopped having natural sex with men and started having sex with other women. In the same way, men stopped having natural sex with women and began wanting each other all the time. Men did shameful things with other men, and in their bodies, they received the punishment for those wrongs.

People did not think it was important to have a true knowledge of God. So God left them and allowed them to have their own worthless thinking. And so they do what they should not do.

Jesus automatically condemned homosexuality by saying, as recorded by Matthew chapter 5, verse 17, “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.” Let’s take a look at some of the things he said.

Matthew 10:13-15, “If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that city.”

Matthew 19:4-6, “And He answered and said, ‘Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”

Matthew 19:9, “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

Mark 10:12, “and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery.”

Readers, please bear in mind that all sins can be forgiven, less one. If you do not know which one, email me and I'll try to explain. To get into that sin, fairly, is a whole other lesson which I have not tackled yet.

Practical Suggestions For Seeking To Outreach To Gays.

First of all, and maybe the most import action to take is to see the individual at hand as a person, not a homosexual. Look beyond the LGBTQIA+ label and strive to seek out the complete person. This individual, man or woman, has complex needs and experiences many of the same fears and hopes as we all might. They endure even more pain because of the real and perceived stigma associated with their gayness, revealed or hidden. Simply bring the message of salvation for all sinners to the forefront of your discussions. Also, make sure it is truly a discussion, not a lecture. Ask open-ended question to get a back-and-forth dialog going.

This means you must be willing to listen. Many homosexuals have been wounded by well-meaning but ignorant Christians who disparaged them, disrespected them. Or, possibly worse, ignored them. Imagine the insults they hear during a gay pride parade. Insults shouted out by churchgoers and non-believers alike heckling from the sidelines. Can you imagine wrestling with resisting a tendency to explore homosexuality and hearing scathing, derogatory language from the preacher behind the pulpit? Would you, yourself, be willing to receive counsel from anyone attending that church? I think not.

Be forgiving. Remember, you cannot save them. Most women or men caught up in homosexuality cannot change on their own, or solely with your help. Only the Holy Spirit can lead them to less sinning and heavenly salvation. Yes, hopefully, you make significant contributions, but the Holy Spirit works in his own time at God's pleasure. As He begins healing them, He will highlight which areas in their life must be surrendered to Him. They need the power of Jesus Christ working in their lives before the change will occur.

Be sincere and gentle. Many men and women living in or hiding their gay lifestyle have been injured, mentality or physically, frequently, by a person, or persons, near and dear to them. Like by family members, peers and sometimes they may have had to develop a protective shell or lash out and push people away.

Pray. But guess what? You should pray hardest for the grace you will probably need. You may need extra grace, forbearance, and persistence to build a relationship with your confused or misguided non-believer. The main issue is their relationship with God, not their sexuality. Don't focus on their homosexuality or deviant ways.

Be supportive, but do not give in and let someone take advantage of your financial situation or domicile. If you detect a growing dependence from them to you, manage, somehow, to gain additional support from a person or multiple people within your Christian circle. Maybe, even before to start to reach out, assemble a list of food pantries, shelters, and community advocates for a whole assortment of social and physical needs.

Be aware of your own needs and battles. Jesus developed a connection with the Samaritan woman at the well because, He asked her for a drink. He asked for something she could give, even if it was merely a drink of well water. Then He offered her something even better, His Living Water.

Always encourage hope. Surely, something better is on the near horizon for the person(s) of question. Things will change for the better. Bring tidings of Joy and hope, not just a declaration the homosexuality is sinful. If appropriate, relate how you or somebody you know well came to Christ. The more realistic the story and the more honest telling of trials that had to be overcome, these will help build confidence over their own troubles.

Offer examples of the better things that are bound to happen. Be the bearer of good tidings, not just declarations that a certain lifestyle is sinful. Talk about what God has done in your own life. That “something better” isn’t just forgiveness of sins (although that in itself is an unfathomable gift) it’s following Jesus Christ, learning to be like Him, being filled with His Spirit, and a life eternal with the Father. A life that can start today, if they put their confidence in Christ.

When the time is right, explain the basics of the Bible, but do not set yourself up as the expert. Offer books, DVDs, daily devotionals, or whatever you think is timely and situationally appropriate. But do not force any materials upon them.

If you profess a faithful, sincere love for Jesus, you'll be privileged to spend eternity with Him, but if not, then you'll be sentenced to live forever behind the barred gates of hell while suffering untold agonies. Matthew 16:27 says, “For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works.” 2nd Peter 3:9 tells us: The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. The time remaining to embrace salvation is dwindling away, every day. How many people fully believed they would see a fine tomorrow, but didn't? Maybe you even know someone that happened to. Heed the promise God extended within 2nd Corinthians 6:2. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

Maybe, at sometime in your life, you had to endure terrible pains or hardships and you laid all the blame for that excruciating agony at the feet of God. God did not do that to you! Maybe a person professing to be a Christian hurt you? That was not God! Maybe you suffered a natural or weather related catastrophe? Maybe someone you loved left you by death or deceit? God did not cause any of that. So, if not a natural life event, a person or God, who could have done that to you? Have you ever considered that just might have been Satan? He does exist; you know. Did the devil implant your anguish, or lie to distort your feelings so you now hate God? That is what Satan does, don't you know? If you truly proclaim to hate God, who owns your soul?

Please, for the eternal sake of your soul, don't procrastinate about something as crucial as where you will spend all eternity. Both God and Christ would prefer that all mankind would be saved to join them in the new Heaven And New Earth. Jesus Christ's return is an assured promise and should stimulate us to trust Him for our eternal lives. Get right with God, and work towards sharing the Gospel while we await the impending return of Christ.

So, if you're still debating or on the fence about dedicating your life and soul to Jesus, now is the time to commit before it is too late. Luke 21:25-28 describes the coming of the Son of Man. “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”

If you are breathing and your mind is aware and working there is still time for you to be saved. 1st John 3:1-8 sets the tone in stone. “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore, the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.” Our incessant longing for Jesus Christ's return strengthens our walk with God. The prospect of Christ's second coming holds us more accountable to living up to the Lord's expectations.

1 Thessalonians 4:14-18, For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore, comfort one another with these words.

The rapture message in the Bible was written to give us comfort in order that we not grieve over those who have died in Christ. But for those foolish souls who will die without knowing Jesus as their Savior—they will feel the flames of the Lake of Fire. All we can do is share God's gospel of Christ, and trust the Holy spirit for good results. Only God's powers can save.

How will you fair, when the final tally is taken? What does your heart tell you? What is the Holy Spirit whispering in your ear for you to do? Or does he shout it? Acts 13:38-39 Brothers (and sisters) understand what we are telling you. You can have forgiveness of your sins through this Jesus. The Law of Moses could not free you from your sins. But you can be made right with God if you believe in Jesus.

Brothers and sisters, know with all assurances that the Lord is coming again! Do not fear this, or be flippant, irreverent, or glib like some people. For those who are ignorant of the true Word of God, we prayerfully want the best for all. But God's Word offers both promises and condemnation. Believe that Jesus died for your sin. Believe that He rose again from the dead. Believe that God will return to raise you to eternal life through Jesus along with all the others who have died in Christ or faith in God Almighty—to bring us all together in fervent worship—in heaven and on the New Earth; for all eternity.

The End, Amen

Please, if you think someone else might benefit from reading this or any of my other works, send it to them by email or email me their address and, if you wish, I will forward this essay to them anonymously. Rest assured, I do not solicit anything from anyone. For more about this author or list of my free books, please go to Feel free to contact me, Dennis King, at if you have questions, comments, corrections, or just wish to share your troubles or testimonies.

LGBTQIA+ is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, plus.