
Summary: Scripture speaks of two diametrically opposed principles for living, and for approaching God. The one is faith, and the other is works. It is all too easy to assume that we are walking by faith, when in fact, we are living by works (legalism). In this tex

Outline for CBF August 16, 2009

Intro. What kind of faith do you have? What kind of faith would you like to have?!

Proposition: A right relationship with God ...

I. Comes not by Works but rather by Faith, 4:13-17

A. The example of Abraham (mentioned previously) 13.

B. Works (law) and faith are mutually exclusive dynamics. 14-17 (read v. 14)

1."Law (works)," here refers to a method of achieving blessing.

2.The dynamic of law nullifies the dynamic of grace. 14

a. "Faith is made void" & promise "is destroyed" 14

b. (Give example of "giving away a pocket NT and then asking $ for it)

3.The law (Mosaic) was never intended to deliver "promise ~ relationship with God. 15. (Read Romans 4:19-20 & Gal 3:22-24)

4."Faith" is inseparably linked to Grace, not to law, 16-17.

a. God planned it this way! (So He dealt with Abraham according to faith & grace).

b. How is it that law, is not grace?

-Newell on Romans: "The reason God hates your trust in your "good works" is, that you offer them to Him instead of resting on the all-glorious work of His Son for you at the cross."

- Refer back to "gift NT" illustration. How would that affect our relationship if I really did such a thing?

II. The kind of faith we need is...

A. Understands the circumstances, 18

B. Knows what God says about them. 18-19

D. Actually brings God’s grace (through relationship with Him) 20

E. Brings glory to God (not self), 20

F. Is a self-perpetuating faith (see Romans 5:1-5) 20-21

Conclusion: Do you want a real, living, relationship with God?

- Practice believing (really) what God, in His Word says.

- Make a practice of checking to see if something you think you need to achieve might not already have been done, through Christ!

- Practice making decisions based upon His promise.

- Beware of the dynamic of works righteousness (works in order to gain or maintain relationship with God)

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