Outline for CBF August 16, 2009
Intro. What kind of faith do you have? What kind of faith would you like to have?!
Proposition: A right relationship with God ...
I. Comes not by Works but rather by Faith, 4:13-17
A. The example of Abraham (mentioned previously) 13.
B. Works (law) and faith are mutually exclusive dynamics. 14-17 (read v. 14)
1."Law (works)," here refers to a method of achieving blessing.
2.The dynamic of law nullifies the dynamic of grace. 14
a. "Faith is made void" & promise "is destroyed" 14
b. (Give example of "giving away a pocket NT and then asking $ for it)
3.The law (Mosaic) was never intended to deliver "promise ~ relationship with God. 15. (Read Romans 4:19-20 & Gal 3:22-24)
4."Faith" is inseparably linked to Grace, not to law, 16-17.
a. God planned it this way! (So He dealt with Abraham according to faith & grace).
b. How is it that law, is not grace?
-Newell on Romans: "The reason God hates your trust in your "good works" is, that you offer them to Him instead of resting on the all-glorious work of His Son for you at the cross."
- Refer back to "gift NT" illustration. How would that affect our relationship if I really did such a thing?
II. The kind of faith we need is...
A. Understands the circumstances, 18
B. Knows what God says about them. 18-19
D. Actually brings God’s grace (through relationship with Him) 20
E. Brings glory to God (not self), 20
F. Is a self-perpetuating faith (see Romans 5:1-5) 20-21
Conclusion: Do you want a real, living, relationship with God?
- Practice believing (really) what God, in His Word says.
- Make a practice of checking to see if something you think you need to achieve might not already have been done, through Christ!
- Practice making decisions based upon His promise.
- Beware of the dynamic of works righteousness (works in order to gain or maintain relationship with God)