12 Ordinary Men - Andrew Series
Contributed by Edward Hardee on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is a study of Andrew based on 12 Ordinary Men. It has a lot of added notes and scripture.
Note: This is a study from the book 12 Ordinary Men by John McArthur an excellent book. There is also a fill in the blank outline from Adult Bible Fellowships of First Baptist Church Orion that I have posted in the series. This is not original but worth posting for study.
Twelve Ordinary Men
Chapter Three: the Apostle of Small Things
One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus.
- John 1:40-42
Last week we took a look at the life of Peter. In Peter we learned that God takes us through life experiences so that we can learn to be effective in ministry. Peter was a man who was bold and courious in his actions the Lord was not trying to take this away from him but to temper it and mold him in the right direction.
Tonight we will look at his brother Andrew.
I. Andrew’s Background
a. He is the least-known member of the most dominant group.
b. This is a bit odd in light of the fact that he was the first to be called by Jesus. (John 1:35-40)
Joh 1:35-40 Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. (36) And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, "Behold the Lamb of God!" (37) The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. (38) Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, said to them, "What do you seek?" They said to Him, "Rabbi" (which is to say, when translated, Teacher), "where are You staying?" (39) He said to them, "Come and see." They came and saw where He was staying, and remained with Him that day (now it was about the tenth hour). (40) One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.
c. He and Peter were lifelong companions and business partners with the Zebedee brothers (these are the next two characters that we will be looking at James and John, sons of thunder). Together these men were the leaders of the Twelve.
d. It appears that the fisherman brothers and the Zebedee brothers had taken a sabbatical from their fishing business and were following John the Baptist when Jesus first called them (John 1:35-42).
All four in the group obliviously wanted to be leaders. This is why they sometimes had those shameful arguments over who was the greatest. This eagerness to lead may have caused many clashes but it became invaluable as they went their separate ways. We see them becoming major leaders in the New Testament church.
As we will see it is Andrews who was the most conspicuous of the four. He seemed to live in the background.
II. Andrew’s Introduction to Jesus
a. He met Jesus the day after John the Baptist introduced Jesus and proclaimed Him to be the “Lamb of God.”- “who takes away the sin of the world”
b. When John the Baptist pointed Jesus out again, Andrew and John got the hint and went to meet Him. They spent the evening at His place in conversation, probably about the Messiah.
c. Based on this initial conversation with Jesus, Andrew believed that He was the Messiah
and immediately found Peter and brought him to Jesus.
John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. Now when Jesus looked at him, He said, "You are Simon the son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas" (which is translated, A Stone).
III. Andrew’s Character
a. He lived his life in the shadow of his better-known brother.
b. Apparently he did not resent this fact.
This is a hard place to be. We are taught so much that leadership is being out front and leading the pack. But not all can lead some have to follow. Some have to lead behind the leaders. I love the way John Maxwell describes the 360 leader. Lead up, lead across and lead down.
Yet this does not make him feeble or wimpy. As one says “meekness is not weakness”. The name Andrew means “manly”. He was manly but in a way that he didn’t have to be in the limelight.
He was bold, decisive, and deliberate.
c. He had the right heart for effective ministry.
d. He was the least known of the first four apostles and also the most quiet.
IV. Andrew saw the value of individual people.
“Almost every time we see him in the Gospel accounts, he is bringing someone to Jesus.”
a. He brought Peter to Jesus (John 1:42).
b. He brought the boy with the fish and bread to Jesus (John 6:9).