Encouragement For The Persecuted Series
Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Christians need not be taken back by the revilings that come even when they are innocent and prudent. We need not hold back from revealing the full counsel of God either. We must not shrink back no matter the opposition in our duty to Christ
[Luke 12:1-11]
Having painted a deserting picture concerning the persecution His disciples would encounter in ministry, Jesus shifts to words of comfort, challenge, and encouragement. We need not be taken back by the revilings that come even when we are innocent and prudent. We need not hold back from revealing the full counsel of God either. We must not shrink back no matter the opposition in our duty to Christ (CIT).
Those that persecute want you to fear them, but they do not have absolute power nor do they have the final say. They many think that they can do whatever they want to you, but God will hold them accountable. They will one day answer to Him. Do not fear them.
Fear Him who judges all and holds people to eternal accountability. A proper fear of God puts life and ministry in prospective.
I. Expect Misunderstanding and Suffering, 24-25.
II. All Things Revealed, 26-27.
III. Fear God Alone, 28.
Jesus shows the relation between disciple and teacher in verse 24. “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master. "
This often repeated saying (Jn. 15:20; Lk. 6:40; Jn. 13:16) speaks of difficulty for all the followers of Jesus. It is a summary of what Christ has said concerning rejection and persecution. The impact of the statement is not one we want to accept. The assertion is a rule for ministry that holds back many from serving Jesus.
Jesus reminded His disciples of their place as His servants. The servant or disciple should not expect to be treated any better than his master [for the servant is not over his master]. The students or disciples therefore should not expect better treatment than their teacher or master had received. Their identity was inextricably linked to His, and they would be treated as He had been treated. The Bible is clear as to the treatment Jesus received (23:8; Luke 6:40; John 15:20).
This expectation could be frightening if it were not for such Scriptures as Hebrews 5: 8-9. "Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation.” Our suffering with the Master will make us like our Master. Is this transformation not our goal and desire? They who think they do us the worst evil may well do us the best good.
[A teacher is a model of the truth that is being shared. Having served in college administration for fifteen years, I found that this became a very important principle of Christian education. Teachers are not simply passing on to others content in the field of knowledge, but they should model what they teach, demonstrating how to integrate faith with life and learning, and modeling the spirit and character the student is to achieve. And students achieve maturity of education when the wholeness of their personal lives reflect this character. Augsburger, Myron S.; The Preacher's Commentary Series, Vol. 24: Matthew. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Inc, 1982, S. 18.]
Jesus reminds His disciples in verse 25 that He was not asking something of them which He Himself had not already experienced. “It is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they malign the member of his household!”
The point of disciple shid is to become more like the teacher. Let the disciple be satisfied in becoming like his teacher. Teacher-likeness or Christ-likeness, or being transformed by the teacher and His teachings into His likeness, must be sufficient reward for each disciple. Hoe fo you know when your are becoming more like your master Jesus? When God begins to bless and transform your life into the image of Christ, people will treat you like they did Him, which has it's good as well as bad side. Try not to be discouraged by the ill treatment, but be encouraged by your closeness to God and those who walk with Him.
Beelzebub [literally lord of the flies; the Gk is Beezeboul means “lord of the high place-heights.”-Walvoord, John & Zuck, Roy. The Bible Knowledge Commentary. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1983, S. 43.] or lord of the demons [Satan] would be the harshest reproach for one who was seeking to serve God in the power of the Holy Spirit. Christ had been so named by the religious and community leaders of His day (9:34; 12:24-26). The true master of the house [οικοδεσπότην - closest relationship with members of the household] was being willfully confused with the house of demons. If the Messiah Himself is rejected as Satan, what expectation is in store for those who, in His likeness, represent Him? If Christ was so accused and charged how much more the less godly, the less perfect, the less mature member of His household? Should His disciples expect less malignment than their Master? No, the malfeasance directed against Jesus will also fall upon them.