
Summary: In anti-Christian environments, mature Christians may be called on to help stabilize unsettling situations as was Barnabas whose encouraging words and acts of love changed fearfulness to thankfulness.

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Barnabas was the New Testament witness we all have a chance to identify with. Whether we adopt the Barnabas approach to witnessing depends on our willingness to be encouragers rather than discouragers. Almost every day we have at least one opportunity to encourage someone.

To encourage is to offer hope or confidence to one whose life has been dealt a blow of some kind, or one who finds himself “up against it.”

To encourage is to lend a helping hand to support a person in need – not necessarily financial need – but more importantly, “moral” support.

It is good to brighten someone’s day . . . lighten someone’s load . . . heighten someone’s spirit. Encouragers really do want folks to be heartened by words of affirmation and expressions of concern.

Barnabas is known for his encouragement of believers whose faith had been shaken due to persecution. Many followers of Jesus had been scattered in many directions; but the good news was that, everywhere believers went, they preached the gospel and gave personal testimonies of personal experiences of conversion to Christ.

Antioch was one of the places where “revival fires” were burning, resulting in the conversion of Gentiles as well as Jews. When this report of revival in Antioch reached Jerusalem, leaders of the early church became concerned about the stability of the Antioch situation; they worried that the mixture of Jewish and Gentile Christians could create problems unless someone of mature judgment went there to help them deal with problems that were bound to crop up.

Due to their concern, Christian leaders in Jerusalem dispatched a highly-respected, God-fearing believer by the name of Barnabas – “son of encouragement” – to help stabilize the situation - Acts 11:19-22 . . .

Would you agree that the key to the “revival” in Antioch is found in the verse that says, “The Lord’s hand was upon them . . .?”

Throughout the centuries, people have turned to the Lord when it became evident that “the Lord’s hand” was upon those who oversaw revival. Some of us recall the Billy Sundays, the Billy Grahams, and the Martin Luther Kings during our lifetime. All of them, and others, may be looked upon as “instruments in the hand of God.”

Perhaps the prayer that needs to come from the lips of Christians today is simply, “Lord, send a revival!” I hope none of you will ever give up on the prospect of a great spiritual awakening happening once again in our nation.

Barnabas was elated when he saw what was happening in Antioch; and he lived up to his nickname “Barnabas” (his real name was Joseph) . . . He had been given the nickname because the apostles regarded him highly; they had complete confidence in him. He had contributed generously to help needy believers; and you may recall that he was the one who persuaded the apostles to look upon Paul with favor - to accept Paul into the fellowship.

Just as the apostles back home in Jerusalem figured this man Barnabas could be counted on to help stabilize the situation in Antioch, Barnabas did so by going to Antioch and encouraging Christians there to remain true to the Lord – Acts 11:23-24 . . .

Why do Christians need to be encouraged to remain true to the Lord?

Barnabas encouraged them to be faithful despite ridicule; but notice just how faithful he encouraged them to be – “with a firm resolve of the heart” – “that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.”

Barnabas wanted for each of these converts depth of commitment: “Cleave to the Lord” - and do so with “firm resolve” – so when problems arise, or persecution takes its toll, they would not waver in their devotion to Jesus Christ. Under all circumstances, be willing to speak up and testify, “Yes, I know Christ; He knows me; and He your Savior wants to be.”

As we read on, we see just how wise this man Barnabas was - since Paul came to his mind as “just the person” who could help in this situation --- (Remember: Paul had gone back to his hometown of Tarsus after he became the target of persecution) Acts 11:25-26 . . .

Have you ever been in a situation in which the thought occurred to you, “I know just the person needed for this situation”? Numerous times during my church ministry, the names of certain persons came to mind; I am convinced they were brought to remembrance by the Spirit of God. It was as if a “voice” said to me, “Go; ask.” In those instances, I do not recall any one who turned me down. Folks, if God is in it, don’t fret it.

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