
Summary: I want to equip our church family in speaking intelligently and compassionately about abortion. I don’t have a Republican agenda here today as much as I have a kingdom of God agenda.

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Today, I want to talk about the sanctity of human life and, specifically abortion. This morning, I want you to join with me in a celebration of life. There is a widespread divide regarding the issue of abortion … people are not indifferent regarding this contested issue. Even now, bringing the very word up in front of this congregation means there is a vortex of emotions. Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice, you have strong emotions. Whenever the word abortion is mentioned, the atmosphere in the room becomes tense. Many elections are nothing more than a referendum on this issue with both sides watching the balance of power on the Supreme Court regarding this one issue.

To no one’s surprise, I stand here decidedly pro-life. But because we have such a divide in this nation over this issue, I want to take today’s message and cut it in half. During the second half, I want to share Christianity’s convictional values regarding life and its value. It is during this later portion of today’s message that I will be sharing our church’s convictional values straight from Scripture. In the first half, I want to share why the science of biology leads us to the conclusion of being pro-life. Again, during the first part of today’s message, I want to share some scientific facts that lead me to believe abortion involves taking the life of a human being. Nearly all of the facts are taken from either neutral or pro-choice sources so that others may not accuse me of bias.

My Purpose

I want to equip our church family in speaking intelligently and compassionately about abortion. I don’t have a Republican agenda here today as much as I have a kingdom of God agenda. I want to talk about this highly sensitive topic in a way just as I would discuss it if I were sitting across the table from someone who has had an abortion. I want to help all of us by presenting a rational argument for the pro-life position. Again, my aim is to do this so that a friendship can continue where oftentimes, the very mention of the word kills a friendship.

Everything about abortion hinges on the question, “Is the unborn a person?” There are really only two choices concerning abortion. If the unborn are human, then abortion is taking the life of a human. If the unborn are not human, then you may do what you wish.1

1. The Facts of Life

One of our members recently asked how they could make the pro-life argument to someone who didn’t believe the Bible. There’s a belief in our culture that goes like this: “Pro-life beliefs are largely decided based on one’s religious beliefs. My religious beliefs inform me that life begins at birth, not conception.” So, if I walk away from the Bible and discuss abortion from a scientific viewpoint can I make the argument for the protection of pre-born life?

So here are the embryological facts of life before birth.

1.1 The Development of Human Life

Medical science is not friendly to the pro-choice argument. Most all these facts you’re about to hear are taken from the Texas Department of Health and the Mayo Clinic. The pictures you’ll see are from WebMD.2

Four Weeks

At four weeks, The Mayo Clinic tells us that the brain and spinal cord begin to form.3 At four weeks, the heart begins to form. At four weeks, the stomach and intestines are forming. At four weeks, bone tissue is growing. At four weeks, the eyes are ears are just beginning to form. At four weeks, you should know that your baby is less than one ounce and is less the 1/8 inch in length.

Eight Weeks

At eight weeks, brain activity can be recorded. At eight weeks, elbows and toes are now visible. At eight weeks, facial features – the eyes, nose, lips, and tongue – continue to develop. At eight weeks, you should know that your baby is about ½ to ¾ inches long. At the end of eight weeks, you’re not even to the end of the first trimester. Men, your wife would still be throwing up at this point if she were pregnant. Ladies, your uterus would be about the size of a lemon at this point.

“Measuring one-and-one-fourth inches from crown to rump and weighing about one-thirtieth of an ounce, the (56-day-old) embryo is now all but fully formed. All body systems are in place and elaborated. Architecturally, the organism is more or less whole... Though the energy output is about one-fifth that of an adult, the heart is functionally complete... A great passage has been made.”4

Twelve Weeks

At twelve weeks, the neck is present, and the face is now well formed. At twelve weeks, arms and legs move. At twelve weeks, definitive signs of male and female gender appear. At twelve weeks, a heartbeat can be heard with electronic devices. At twelve weeks, you should know that your baby is about two to three inches in length. At twelve weeks, the pre-born life starts to make his/her own movements. It’s about this time that a woman shows she is pregnant, and the uterus is about the size of a grapefruit.

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