Walking In Unity Series
Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Let’s face it. We all get into conflict—sometimes. Even with those close to us. How are we supposed to handle it? Is it okay to hate people? Can we disagree without being disagreeable? Unity chooses to believe that there is good in every person who is a C
Opening Activity: Acting out—Fight!
Stage a fight with one of your adult volunteers—prepare him ahead of time, of course.
Have the volunteer interrupt you and continue to talk while you’re talking. Ask him to stop talking several times. Then just lose it and start yelling, telling him to leave the room.
Your students will probably be simultaneously intrigued and uncomfortable with the conflict.
When you feel your point has been made, call the leader back in and explain it was fake.
Optional Opening Activity: Hula Hoop Pass
Get all your participants in a circle holding each other’s hands.
Get someone to ’unlock’ one of their hands from the circle, put a hula-hoop onto his/her hand, then reconnect with the circle.
The aim of this game is to get the hula-hoop around the circle and back to where it started without the group letting go of each other’s hands.
Can also be played with groups against each other and a stop watch; lots of fun!
Optional Opening Activity #2: Stuff’em!
Supplies: You’ll need one pair of oversized pantyhose for each team; blindfolds (optional); and a package of balloons for them to blow up.
Divide the group into teams of four kids each.
Give each team a pair of pantyhose, and explain that the team will have two minutes to place as many balloons as possible into the pantyhose.
Each balloon is to be inserted through the waist end of the pair of pantyhose without tearing them.
Declare the team with the most balloons inside the pantyhose the winner.
For added fun, blindfold a member of each team.
This person becomes the only one allowed to place balloons inside the pantyhose. Teammates provide assistance by handing him or her objects and offering words of encouragement.
Optional Video Clip Opener: Tension on the Tube Videotape a TV program involving conflict show it to your group. Most TV shows do, but if you have no idea what to tape, you could try taping a few daytime talk shows.
Let’s face it. We all get into conflict—sometimes even with people in this very room. How are we supposed to handle it?
Are we supposed to like everyone? Is it okay to hate people? Can we disagree without being disagreeable?
Or does everyone in your circle have to play by your rules only?
What happens when you decide to visit someone elses world? Experience their rules? Discover they differ greatly from those in your world? Do you label them as an “Odd planet and to stay away from it?
The Apostle Paul gives us some pretty astounding answers to these tough questions relating.
What is unity?
The word UNITY found in only two places in the New Testament: Ephesians 4:3 and 13.
The concept is found in many places such as: John 17:20-21, Jesus’ final prayer to the Father while on earth for his disciples and mankind and in 1 Corinthians 1:10, as Paul was trying instruct the churches on how to get along with eachother.
“I beg you brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I beg that all of you agree with each other, so that there will be no divisions among you. I beg that you be completely joined together by having the same kind of thinking and the same purpose.”
The believers in Corinth met at house churches, which were gatherings of 30 to 40 people who met in private homes.
As a result, different house churches tended to develop special allegiances to different leaders, for instance to Paul or Apollos or Peter.
Paul asks the rhetorical question in 1 Corinthians 1:13, “Is Christ divided?” The answer, of course, is no.
The same thing holds true today. No school, gender, music style, race, ethnicity, clothing type, or free-time activity should divide us.
Unity chooses to believe that there is good in every person who is a Christ follower.
When someone wants to do “their own thing” because of either “selfishness”, “jealousy”, or “pride”, it upsets the balance of unity.
Different Christ followers are like spokes on a wheel with the hub being God. When one wobbles or is bent, it’s either straightened out to keep the balance, or removed to prevent harm.
So is the same with Christ Followers.
(Insert Personal illustration: Share a conflict you had when you were a teen. Describe in detail what you were thinking and feeling, as well as how it was resolved. If you don’t have a story from that time, tell about something more recent.)
There are lots of things keeping us from being united for Christ and being fellow workers:
- We compare what we have to what others have, and we get jealous.
- Or we sit around, watching others work.
In Virginia high school football is king. It is a way of life, an institution revered and venerated, each game celebrated more lavishly than Christmas, each playoff distinguished more grandly than any national holiday.