
Summary: In Scripture the believer is compared to a tree, what determines the health of a tree is its root system in this series we will examine the vital roots that enable us to bare healthy fruit in our Christian lives.

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Worship is one of the major roots in the life of the believer

When I talk about worship I am not speaking about merely being present in a worship service. Though this plays a vital role and is a necessary part of developing your root system.

But I'm speaking about something different. According to Gods word we were created to worship.1 Chronicles 16:23-31 (NIV)

"23 Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. 24 Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. 25 For great is the LORD and MOST WORTHY OF PRAISE; he is to be feared above all gods. 26 For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens. 27 Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy in his dwelling place. 28ASCRIBE to the LORD, O families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength, 29 ascribe to the LORD the glory DUE his name. Bring an offering and come before him; WORSHIP the LORD in the splendor of his holiness. 30Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved. 31 Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, "The LORD reigns!"

JOHN 4:23 says the Father is SEEKING worshippers

When we truly practice the act of Worshiping God we become Godly or we could say more accurately - We become More like God.

I said this before - Man will usually begin to resemble whatever he worships.

If he worships The human body - he becomes Lustful

If he worships Knowledge - He becomes prideful

If he worships God he becomes - God-ful or Godly

Man does not need to be told to worship. It is his nature to do so. He will always worship something or someone.

Even those who seek to live a life void of God and deny any need to worship are actually worshipping SELF

However, Mankind needs to be taught WHO to worship. This is not something we know by nature.

This is why God extensively teaches us to worship him in scripture. He raised men of old and instructed them to pen down the instructions of a life of Worship.

We think that gathering in a building with with other believers is engaging in WORSHIP

This is known in the bible in the Greek as EPISUNA GOGE

This means - a Christian meeting for the purpose of worship

Or Assembling together for worship.

In other words when Christians gather together to exalt the name of Jesus God call this a "worship service"

But the fact that your in this gathering doesn't mean your worshipping.

The bible also teaches in another Greek word for Worship

( EPIKA LO MAHEE )that when you invoke God in prayer for Aid, or in a testimony, or for a decision - he views and receives this as worship.

And these forms of Worship to God has - He the Lord, included to be a part of your spiritual root system.

The same way that FAITH IS A NON-negotiable and must be a part of your root system

AND The same way that TITHING, GIVING OR GENEROSITY is a Non-Negotiable and Must be a part of your root system.

WORSHIP must likewise be a part of your root system


Well besides what I've mentioned thus far - WORSHIP is a necessary root in our lives because it is a "ROOT OF HEALING"

Back when I was growing up as a kid - whenever someone got sick whether it was a Cold, a Flu or simply some Stomach problem. My mom would go to the store and come back home with some Ginger Roots - Garlic & Cinnamon sticks

She would throw it in a pot with water throw a few spices in the mix and bring it to a boil - I was expected to slowly sip this Tea.

There are roots that are meant to bring about healing in the body of Chrsit - In your personal life as well

WORSHIP IS TO THE SPIRIT WHAT Ginger and Garlic is to the Physical Body it is Medicinal.

There is a word in scripture used to describe WORSHIP That is quite clear on the impact of worship in your life.

It is the Greek word: Therapeuo

Strong's #2323: therapeuo (pronounced ther-ap-yoo'-o)

- to relieve (of disease):--cure, & heal, worship.

Thayer's Greek Lexicon:

́ 1) to serve, do service

2) to heal, cure, restore to health


This word is used 44 times:

Why does God command you to worship?

Because he wants to restore you back to health!

He wants to cure you

He's want to heal you

When you worship - at home, in your car, in our church gatherings.

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