The Gospel Gardens Series
Contributed by Rodney Fry on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Gardens Reveal the Love of God The beauty pf a garden reveals a loving Designer The bounty of a garden reveals a loving Provider Gardens Play a Role in the Gospel The Garden of Eden was the first Jesus was betrayed in the Garden of Gethsemane J
Disclaimer Please note that all my sermons come from the Lord. But I get my info from many sources from my library and other sources. I do not claim all material as my originality. I don’t quote all sources but I give credit to the Lord who is the author of all sermons. “All originality and no plagiarism makes for dull preaching" Charles Spurgeon
The Gospel Gardens
Genesis 3:15/ Matthew 26:36/ John 19:41-42
Gardens Reveal the Love of God
The beauty pf a garden reveals a loving Designer
The bounty of a garden reveals a loving Provider
Gardens Play a Role in the Gospel
The Garden of Eden was the first
Jesus was betrayed in the Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus was buried in the garden of the tomb
The Gospel Can be found in the Gardens of God
I. The Savior was Promised in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:15)
a. After Creation, God planted a Garden (2:8)
i. It was a garden of beauty (pleasant to the eyes)
ii. It was a garden of bounty (good for food)
b. The Garden became home for Adam & Eve
i. All their needs were supplied from the Garden
ii. God met them in the Garden for fellowship
c. There was but one restriction in the Garden: The forbidden tree (v. 3)
d. Disobedience led to temptation and the fall (vv. 4-13)
e. God made the promise of redemption (v. 15)
f. Christ, the promised One, would bruise the Serpent’s head
II. The Garden of Gethsemane Sheltered the Praying Savior (Matthew 26:36)
a. The time to bruise the Serpent’s head drew near (v. 1)
b. Jesus entered the Garden of Gethsemane to pray
Gethsemane means oil press or olive press.
i. Peter, James and John accompanied Him
ii. The Savior’s sorrow was poured out in the Garden
iii. Something needs to be meditated upon time and again – the great agony that Christ bore for us. Nothing pictures His great agony any more than the Garden of Gethsemane.
iv. Think of the Lord’s enormous love for us. He foresaw all that He was to bear for us. All was opened up to His mind, yet He willingly surrendered Himself to bear it all.
v. Angels came to strengthen Him (Luke 22:43)
vi. Great drops of His blood fell to the ground during His intense praying
vii. How puny our prayers seem in comparison to His that Day!
c. The most difficult prayer to pray is “Thy will be done”
d. Have we been willing to make that our prayer?
III. The Garden of the Tomb was the place of the powerful Savior (John 19:41-42)
a. Here the Crucifixion is past
i. Christ has died for sinners – for you and me
ii. Jesus is placed in Joseph’s tomb in a Garden
Who was Joseph of Arimathaea?
He was a counselor, a senator, a member of the Sanhedrin, which was the riling body of Israel. He was apparently…
-Highly educated
- Very responsible
- Highly esteemed
- Well liked
- Capable of Leadership
He was a good & Just man He was a man
- Of good quality
- of Compassion
- of high morals
- Of justice
- of feelings
- of decision
He was a man changed by the death of Jesus
- Joseph actually went unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus.
o The Romans either dumped the bodies of the crucified criminals in the trash heaps or left the bodies hanging for the vultures and animals to consume.
o Pilate was fed up with the Jesus matter. Jesus had proven to be very bothersome to him. He could have reacted severely against Joseph
- Joseph risked the disfavor & discipline of the Sanhedrin.
Joseph was a secret believer – Every secret believer needs to study the cross of Christ, Really seeing the cross will turn any secret believer into a bold witness for Christ.
Position, Power, Wealth and Fame NONE of theses make us bold for Christ. Only true affection for Christ will make us bold and only as we see the cross of Christ will affection for Christ be aroused.
iii. The scriptures have been fulfilled (Isaiah 53)
b. The garden tomb became the scene of the Resurrection
i. The stone closing the tomb was rolled away (20:1)
ii. The linens clothes were there but not Jesus
iii. Death could not hold our powerful Savior
God’s Gardens Reveal Our Promised, Prayerful, and Powerful Savior
Will you trust Him to Save You Today?
Will you Allow His Love to Bloom in the Garden of your Heart?