
Summary: Dramatic Scripture Reading [Paraphrased Monologue] of the Account of Christ beginning with the Last Supper and Ending with the Crucifixion. REFLECTION IN THE END ASKING THE CONGREGATION WHERE/WHO THEY ARE ALONG THE WAY and WHERE THEY STAND FOR CHRIST.

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This is the Account of Christ, as recorded in God’s Holy Word, the Bible. The following is a paraphrased monologue taken from the Life Application Bible and chronologically assembled for dramatic purposes. The end concludes with a series of questions to invoke the thoughts of the listeners to where they stand for Christ.

Dramatic Scripture Reading [Paraphrased Monologue] of the Account of Christ beginning with the Last Supper and Ending with the Crucifixion.


Matthew 26:20-25

1. That evening as he sat eating with the Twelve, he said, ‘One of you will betray me.’

2. Sorrow chilled their hearts, and each on asked, ‘Am I the one’

3. He replied, ‘It is the one I served first

4. For I must die just as was prophesied, but woe to the man by whom I am betrayed. Far better for that one if he had never been born.

5. Judas, too, had asked him, ‘Rabbi, am I the one?’ And Jesus had told him, ‘Yes’

Matthew 26:31-35

1. Then Jesus said to them, ‘Tonight you will all desert me. For it is written in the Scriptures that God will smite the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.

2. But after I have been brought back to life again I will go to Galilee, and meet you there.’

3. Peter declared, ‘If everyone else deserts you, I won’t.’

4. Jesus told him, ‘The truth is that this very night, before the cock crows at dawn, you will deny me three times!’

5. ‘I would die first!’ Peter insisted. And all the other disciples said the same thing.

Mark 14:32-41

1. And now they came to an olive grove called the Garden of Gethsemane, and he instructed his disciples, ‘Sit here, while I go and pray.’

2. He took Peter, James and John with him and began to be filled with horror and deepest distress. And he said to them, ‘My soul is crushed by sorrow to the point of death; stay here and watch with me.’

3. He went on a little further and fell to the ground and prayed that if it were possible the awful hour awaiting him might never come.

4. ‘Father, Father,’ he said, ‘everything is possible for you. Take away this cup from me. Yet I want your will, not mine.’

5. Then he returned to the three disciples and found them asleep.

6. ‘Simon!’ he said. ‘Asleep? Couldn’t you watch with me even one hour?

7. Watch with me and pray lest the Tempter overpower you. For thought the spirit is willing enough, the body is weak.’

8. And he went away again and prayed, repeating his pleadings. Again he returned to them and found them sleeping, for they were very tired. And they didn’t know what to say.

9. The third time when he returned to them he said, ‘Sleep on; get your rest! But no! The time for sleep has ended! Look! I am betrayed into the hands of wicked men.

Matthew 26:47-52

1. At that very moment while he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived with a great crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent by the Jewish leaders.

2. Judas had told them to arrest the man he greeted, for that would be the one they were after.

3. So now Judas came straight to Jesus and said, ‘Hello Master!’ and embraced him in friendly fashion.

4. Jesus said, ‘My friend, go ahead and do what you have come for.’ Then the others grabbed him.

5. One of the men with Jesus pulled out a sword and slashed off the ear of the High Priest’s servant.

6. ‘Put away your sword,’ Jesus told him. ‘Those that live by the sword, die by the sword.’

Luke 22:54-62

1. So they seized him and led him to the High Priest’s residence, and Peter followed at a distance.

2. The soldiers lit a fire in the courtyard and sat around it for warmth, and Peter joined them there.

3. A servant girl noticed him in the firelight and began staring at him. Finally she spoke: ‘This man was with Jesus!’

4. Peter denied it. ‘Woman,’ he said, ‘I don’t even know the man!/

5. After a while someone else looked at him and said, ‘You must be one of them!’

6. ‘No sir, I am not!’ Peter replied.

7. About an hour later someone else flatly stated, ‘I know this fellow is one of Jesus’ disciples, for both are from Galilee.’

8. But Peter said, ‘Man, I don’t know what you are talking about.’ And as he said the words, a rooster crowed.

9. At that moment Jesus turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered what he had said—‘Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny me three times.’

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