Sermon Series
  • 1. The Account Of The Christ

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    Dramatic Scripture Reading [Paraphrased Monologue] of the Account of Christ beginning with the Last Supper and Ending with the Crucifixion. REFLECTION IN THE END ASKING THE CONGREGATION WHERE/WHO THEY ARE ALONG THE WAY and WHERE THEY STAND FOR CHRIST.

    This is the Account of Christ, as recorded in God’s Holy Word, the Bible. The following is a paraphrased monologue taken from the Life Application Bible and chronologically assembled for dramatic purposes. The end concludes with a series of questions to invoke the thoughts of the listeners to more

  • 2. Who Is This? Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    On Palm Sunday as JESUS rode into Jerusalem, the people of the city looked on and asked, Who Is This? Jesus asked the same question to his disciples, Who do you say that I AM? Its a question we all must answer.

    Palm Sunday 2014 By William Akehurst, HSWC Credit to as a resource for this message. A friend of mine said just 3 words to me this week that made me ponder and know my topic for the sermon today...those words... Who is this? Key verse: Matthew 21:10. And when he was more

  • 3. Palm Sunday - Purim - Global Day Of Repentance

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2024

    They cried out Hosanna, meaning, Save Us. We also must cry out in repentance to be saved from our sins, and be made ready as bride without spot or wrinkle awaiting the bridegroom. It does nothing unless our hearts are turned back to GOD. Repentance is a gift to come back from wherever we strayed.

    2024.03.24. Palm Sunday. Purim. Global Day of Repentance 2024 William Akehurst, HSWC This year 2024, Passover Week comes 4 weeks after the Passion Week from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday (Easter). There's something to be said with the Jewish Celebration of Passover being out-of-sync with more