Taming The Beast Within Series
Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Despite all the high qualifications David already possessed, God is going to train him. So God causes David's skills to be recognized & brings David from the sheep fold into the king's court to further development his God given calling. God will then fur
The Life of David: David's Early Years
1 SAMUEL 16: 14-23
Let me quickly give you some background as we get started on the early years of David, a man after God's own heart. David has just been anointed Israel's king because Saul had shown himself unworthy of the crown. Samuel proclaims David as God's chosen and anoints him, but in the real world at that time Saul is still functioning as king, but he will get increasingly belligerent and out of control as time goes on.
Let me point out here that despite David's rights to the throne, despite the fact that Saul had lost the anointing of God to be king (God had withdrawn His Spirit from him), David showed nothing but respect for Saul and reverence for the crown. Despite or may be because of all this Saul will try to kill David multiple times (19:18-19). Although David will be hunted like an animal he will not lift a hand against Saul [whom he refers to as God's anointed] throughout Saul's life. This says to me that even in his early years David made choices which demonstrate that he clearly understood a kingdom principle. Whatever longing David had for to be king, it seems that he understood at a deep level that his being king was about God's glory and not his own. David wasn't after the throne, he was after God. There was in David the precious qualities of respect and humility. We will see more of David's character as we go through our series.
Despite all the high qualifications David already possessed, God is going to train him. So God causes David's skills to be recognized and brings David from the sheep fold into the king's court to further development his God given calling. [God will then further train David through sever adversity.]
This section begins with the story of a devastating loss and continual torment to Saul in verse 14. "Now the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord terrorized [tormented] him."
The divine Presence had been given to guide and empower Saul as king, but now that God had rejected Saul, the Spirit was removed. Last week we saw that King Saul had pulled away from God by his pride and disobedience. It seems God is now punishing Saul for presuming on his position and walking against God's Word [Swindol, Charles. David. 1997: Thomas Nelson. Nashville, TN. p. 28]. Saul chose to leave God and thus the Bible says that the Spirit of the Lord departed. Listen, God will not stay where He is not wanted and He will not force you to obey. Though Saul would remained king for the rest of his life, he no longer knew the power and presence of God in his life nor did he receive words from God [even through the prophets]. There is no emptiness that compares to the life from whom God has withdrawn. [Chafin, Kenneth. The Preacher's Commentary Series, Vol 8: 1, 2 Samuel. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Inc, 1989, S. 125]
Into the void of Saul's life "a distressing [baath -overwhelmig] spirit from the Lord troubled him." How could an evil spirit be sent from the Lord? Evil spirits and Satan himself can do nothing without the Lord's permission (Job 1:12; 2:6; 1 Kings 22:19-22). Thus demons can actually serve the purposes of God. How? By providing people a choice. If there were no options provided by Satan and evil people would have no choice. There would be no way to find out if our love for God is genuine. So God says, "If you don't want to love Me, walk with Me, or believe in Me, you have another option. You can be deceived by the devil."
If I tell my son Rannon that I want him to STAY HOME this afternoon—and then I lock him in his room, bolt his door, and board up his windows, it would be meaningless for me to come home later and tell him how proud I was of him for staying home. Unless there was a choice for Rannon to make his own decision, my praise or approval of him would be meaningless. That's why God leaves the door open and uses Satan as a tool to give people a meaningful choice. [Courson, Jon: Jon Courson's Application Commentary: Vol 1. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2005, S. 862]
[God is not the author of evil nor does He send evil upon us. But He does allow evil to happen and Saul was "running on empty" not allowing God to be a part of his life so something else took God's place.]