
Summary: A devoted student went to school with a general science major, because he want to either get into the medical field or become a science teacher

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A devoted student went to school with a general science major, because he wants to either get into the medical field or become a science teacher. All along the way of taking his prerequisites as a part-time student, he got to witness and be invited as a guest to many different graduations of classmates who came to change their major in order to get quick money. That devoted student felt bothered to see how long he has been going to school there and that he was not yet considered qualified to be a graduate, because, throughout his life, he got to deal with some ups and some downs, but he didn’t get to attend school full time because he already was a father and a husband. Therefore, had to take care of his family.

When the bills come, he has to pay and go to school at the same time.

When a new baby comes, he has to take care of him and the mom and go to school all at once.

He has to go to work full-time and go to school at night.

Nevertheless, when too much responsibility come, sometimes he had to pick extra shifts and other jobs.

***When people all around would tell him that it was time to stop thinking about the school which he already passes the stage, however, it was time to think about picking another full-time

***He even got compared to his old friends who became, apartment supervisors, Truck drivers, and store managers. However, he did not have any pull towards those fields. Years later with devotement and dedication, with perseverance, and resilience, he had the privilege to invite most of his alumni to his graduation, as he continues with his education on the way to success.

• The Hardest thing to do in this world is to stay focused because the disease of focus is a distraction.

In the world people love to be distracted – they call distraction FUN, AMUSEMENT, PLEASURE

Matthew 19:5-6 (ESV)

and said, 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

A- We need to stay focused from sensual distraction – We cannot destroy our Eternity over 20mns.

B- …. From wicked Bachelor party before marriage – One last wickedness before quitting.

C- … Side relationship after marriage – Remember your old self.

D- EXP. If a man’s sense of sensuality is activated by just looking at a person, there’s a foundation he doesn’t have.

Luke 9:59, 60 He said to another man, “Follow me.” But he replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” 60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

A- We need to stay focused from sentimental and emotional prospective.

B- We need to stay focused from double standards and bias agenda.

C- We need to stay focused from personal reasons.

D- - EXP. Jesus rebuked the man who was more attracted to his father’s corps than to the God of Life / who say if he chose God above the cadaver, Jesus wouldn’t give his father another chance to live again.

• The disease of focus is a distraction. / And we love distraction, WHY?

Because John 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

The world has a way to get you to receive their tricks through acceptable forms, that’s why they change the names of everything that you used to know as fearful and sins to something that your conscience doesn’t make a big deal out of

Those things are taught to you in school, and you’ve known about it for as long as you can remember; therefore, it became a custom. /For us “CUSTOM” can’t be sinful.

1. There are Tribal customs – (It’s been like this for generations)

2. There are Societal customs – (This is the structure of our community)

3. There are religious customs – (This is how we do things around here, ((Not Working))

4. There are Family customs – (This is the way we raise our kids)

5. There are Personal customs – (Ordinary Default)

When God called a man, he makes sure that he is not attached to anything of distraction.

• Your attachment to something may cause you to forfeit your ministry / EXP: you can’t be attached to Sunday night NBA Final when you are supposed to be in the House of God.

Philippians 1:6 ESV / 16

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

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