
Summary: to let people know that God can and will move right now, or quicker than you think.



1.) There are times in my life and I can imagine in the lives of many others, when time comes and we need God to move. I don’t just mean move, but I mean quickly. Sometimes we can not wait for things to work themselves out, but we need God to show up now. You know what I mean, when your bills are due, now I’m not just talking about one bill, but all your bills are due. Bills are, but your money is acting funny, change kind of strange, and you don’t have anyway to get any money. You find yourself needing God to move now. You begin praying and asking God to show up. Because let me tell you, sometimes you can’t wait until the morning, but you say Lord I need you to move right now.

2.) For in this text we find where Luke tells about a man named Peter, and Peter was locked down in jail. Now Peter was in Jerusalem to defend his action concerning Cornelius to “the circumcision party.” While he was there Herod Agrippa I, whom had already put James to death, arrested Peter. While he was locked down in this jail the Bible says that the church came together and began to pray. Let me tell you when the church comes together something happens. I can imagine that Peter began to worry, he said I’ve been locked down in this cold and dark jail for a long time. I haven’t heard from the Lord yet, but I’m told while Peter had questions on his mind, the church had prayer own their minds. I’m sure that Peter was still asking when is God going to move, he didn’t have any idea that was not going to move, he was just wondering when. While Peter was wandering the Bible tells me that the church was still praying. I can imagine them church folk laying before the Lord, and calling on God to show up in their friend Peter’s situation. You see the church prayed for somebody else, but now days we too busy praying for ourselves and not worring about anyone else, but somebody needs God a little more than we do. I can imagine that God and the Holy Ghost got together. I stopped by to tell you that when God and the Holy Ghost gets together something has to move. A songwriter once said when God gets ready you got to move. You may be up and you may be down, but when God gets ready you got to move. You may be blind and can not see, you may dumb and can not talk, but when God gets ready you got move. The Bible says that after the church prayed Peter was set free. So you see sometimes God moves right now.

3.) In my conclusion I would just like to say that the church showed patients, and because they showed there patients God showed up. God doesn’t always have to wait until morning, sometimes he shows up in the middle of the night. Because some prayers I pray can not wait until morning, sometimes I need God now. Because if I wait until morning I want sleep that night. So I can see God in the night. The Bible says that God showed up in the prison, there were one hundred men holding Peter in jail. But God on your side is all that you need. If God is for you, who can be against you? God on your side is more than the whole world is against you. The Bible says that the angel showed up and told Peter get up and go quickly. Now the Bible says that the angel showed up beside Peter. Sometimes God shows up in front of you to show you the way, sometimes he shows up behind you to keep your enemies from attacking your rear, then sometimes he shows up beside you to keep you from stumbling along the way. The angel stood up beside Peter and they tell me when he stood up the chains fell off his wrist, they tell me when he stood up the chains fell off his feet, and God was on his way to making everything all right. I stopped by to tell you when you can’t hold on any longer, look up to heaven and say God I need you to move. I need you to move, because I just can’t make it by myself. My backs against the wall, and Lord I need you to move. And I guarantee when you are sincere about it and when you are really in trouble, God will show up and your chains will fall off.

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Evelyn Russell

commented on Jul 27, 2018

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