
Summary: In this series we are going to explore relationships with the aim of avoiding some of that mess and hurt, if possible. Today we start with something that is essential to forming good relationships

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At the end of our series on Resurrection Hope I spoke about unity.

That each one of us, although very different from each other, can be united in our focus.

In fact, unity is not about sameness,

but a sense of focusing on a goal, a purpose.

If you weren’t here for that series, it’s on YouTube with its own playlist

Indeed, I that message I also referred to the bible passage in Paul’s letter to Corinthians that says, like in a body, each of us are different parts of a whole.

Our unique characteristics work together in unity to function as a complete body.

Today we begin a new series that follows on from that theme.

You see, our Creator designed us to function as a “body”, as a community, in relationship with others.

When Jesus was asked about the most important commandment, He emphasized our relationship with God the Father.

But He also pointedly indicated that our relationship with our fellow human beings is a close second.

It’s safe to say that relationships lie at the core of Christian living.

In this series, the word relationship will be broad.

However, it can be applied to specifics.

So I’m not only talking about a couple getting married, or a church family, or a team in a workplace.

But you will recognize that much of what I say CAN apply to all these relationships and more.

The title for today’s message is “identity”.


Because knowing who we are is very important in a relationship.

If we are to relate to others, we must know our identity – who we are, for at least two reasons:

1. So we know what we can bring to the relationship (marriage, Team, church).

2. So we don’t lose our identity as we get deeper into the relationship

Honestly – we seldom do this.

We don’t think about who we are in a relationship.

And by the time we do – it can be too late.

Understanding our identity before diving into relationships offers several benefits:

• Self-awareness:

By reflecting on our likes, dislikes, values, and motivations, we gain a clearer picture of who we are.

This self-awareness helps us navigate relationships with authenticity and purpose.

• Healthy boundaries: A strong sense of self allows you to set healthy boundaries. You'll understand your needs and limitations better, enabling you to communicate them effectively and avoid situations that compromise your well-being.


US! Highfield and Pastor.

Someone asked Allie the other day why we are still at Highfield Community.

I think the answer is, that we started our relationship 25 years ago with an understanding of our identity.

Having had a difficult ministry before hand, and Highfield having a difficult past, we both had worked out our identity.

We entered into this relationship – slowly, as we

? identified who we are, and

? what we were expecting.

Ok, so – today we are looking at Identity at the beginning of this series on relationships.

Today we are looking at the foundations of relationships:

And we do it by looking Genesis 2

In that passage, we see the

Relationship with Creator

Relationship with humans

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, forming a perfect and harmonious world.

I’d encourage you this week to do your own study of Genesis 1 and 2 with the theme of “Relationships” in mind.

As we reflect on the creation story in Genesis, we can draw valuable lessons about relationships and how we can nurture them in our lives today.

In the story of Genesis, we see the identity of those involved clearly defined.

The problem in this event comes when the identity of each person is lost.

God – Creator

By nature He has ultimate authority.

He made everything – including us humans.

So, what He says, goes.

“Enjoy the garden

Enjoy life

Just don’t eat the fruit from ONE TREE!”

He said that to ensure that we have choice.

God has authority, but He is not an authoritarian.

He gave choice,

and He clearly labelled the consequences to making the wrong choice.

God’s identity is very clear right?

Humans – Created.

We are soo loved by the Creator!

He GAVE so much –

? it was good,

? it was beautiful,

? it was for human benefit.

Although God wanted a good relationship with humans, He recognised that being a single human in a big beautiful garden creates loneliness.

“That’s not good” said God.

“Let’s make more humans.”

So – there is a relationship with clear identity:

A Loving Creator with authority who wants the best.

Good creation who is under God,

but now has an equal to relate to.

The relationship is pretty clear.

It is designed to work well.

All good? All good!

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