
Summary: Examining the qualities of Noah that enabled him to protect his family from the flood

Noah possessed three qualities that enabled him to provide spiritual protection for his family.

1. Righteousness (6:9)

A. He had personal righteousness (he himself lived a righteous life).

B. He had public righteousness (he was righteous in the midst of an unrighteous society).

C. He had pure righteousness (he "walked with God").

2. Readiness (6:10-7:5)

Matthew 7:24-25

A. He was ready to obey even when he didn’t understand it all (had never seen it rain; did not know what an ark was; etc.).

B. He was ready to obey even the smallest detail (note the precise instructions of the ark).

3. Reverence (8:18-21a)

A. Noah’s worship was God-centered (he "built an altar to the Lord").

B. Noah’s worship was sacrifical (he offered an animal when there weren’t many animals around).

C. Noah’s worship was God-pleasing (his sacrifice was a "pleasing aroma" to God).

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