
Summary: Is there one site that has the answers to the most relevant questions we face everyday of our lives? During this 5 week series, join us as we search together for the solutions to life’s most basic questions.

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It’s Been said Life is like a Journey - Searching for the Answers Most Basic Questions - Life

People spend - WHOLE Lives & Fortunes Looking for Meaning/Purpose

Wouldn’t it be Great - ONE PLACE – Like Google – Where we could find – searching For?

Type in “Meaning of Life” - 118 Million sites / Purpose of Life – 161 million sites

Whether our Search is in Cyber Space OR Part of the Human Race!!

Where Do we Find the ANSWERS to What we are Looking For?

Welcome to PART 2 – Google: What are you Searching For? Five Week Series – Searching for Answers to Life’s Most Challenging Questions

PART 1: Searching For A Network of REAL Friends / How many – in a Small Group?

When some elementary kids were ask if they had any questions for God, this is what they said:

• Dear God, is it hard for you to love everybody in the whole world? There are only 4 people in my family and I can never do it. – Nan

• Dear God, My Grandpa says you were around when he was - little boy. How far back do you go? Dennis

• Dear God, Are you really invisible or is that just a trick? - Lucy

• Maybe Cain & Abel wouldn’t kill each so much if they had their own rooms. It works with my brother - Larry

• Dear God, In Sunday school they told us what you do. Who does it when you are on vacation? - Jane

• Dear God, how did you know when you were God? Who told you? Charlene

• Did you really mean do unto others as they do unto you, ‘cause if you did - I’m gonna fix my brother - Darla

• Dear God, is it true my father won’t get in Heaven if he uses his golf words in the house? Anita

• Dear God, did you mean for giraffes to look like that or was it an accident? Norma

• Dear God, I went to this wedding and they kissed right in church. Is that okay? - Neil

• My brother told me how babies were made but it just doesn’t sound right. What do you say? Marsha

• Dear God, I read the bible. What does beget mean? Nobody will tell me. Love Alison

Last Week: Introduced you to “Wisest Man Who Ever Lived” / Solomon and his Search for Meaning

"So I decided to compare wisdom and folly, and anyone else would come to the same conclusions I did. [13] Wisdom is of more value than foolishness, just as light is better than darkness. [14] For the wise person sees, while the fool is blind. Yet I saw that wise and foolish people share the same fate. [15] Both of them die. Just as the fool will die, so will I. So of what value is all my wisdom? Then I said to myself, "This is all so meaningless!" [16] For the wise person and the fool both die, and in the days to come, both will be forgotten.

[17] So now I hate life because everything done here under the sun is so irrational. Everything is meaningless, like chasing the wind. [18] I am disgusted that I must leave the fruits of my hard work to others. [19] And who can tell whether my successors will be wise or foolish? And yet they will control everything I have gained by my skill and hard work. How meaningless! [20] So I turned in despair from hard work. It was not the answer to my search for satisfaction in this life. Ecclesiastes 2:12-20 (NLT)

So many people Identify with Ecclesiastes because Solomon’s HONEST Search Familiar

What’s Clear - entire story of Solomon’s life shows what happens when we try to answer the big questions of Life . . . on our own, without consideration of God’s perspective. Solomon had everything the world could offer – Wasn’t Enough.

All his accomplishments, though greater than any other - just “a chasing after the wind.”

Like a Modern Day Solomon – Bono screams, “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for”

If you had One Question for God – What would it be?

[Video: “What’s one question you’d like to ask God?” Man on the Street video where we asked random people this question and showed the results.]

Where Do I Find Answers to My FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)?

1. Why Am I Here?

Do you KNOW? Do you WANT too?

Before you can – must determine WHICH path in the trail of Life you’ll take:

Naturalism or Creationism

Naturalism = Evolution / Chance / Random / Life is an Accident

Creationism: Everything begins w/ God / there is a Plan – a DEVINE Plan

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