
Summary: The Bible says "God made everything beautiful in His own time" (Ecc.3:11) and that means HE IS BEAUTIFUL and we can live everyday experiencing His Beauty.

David speaks of the Beauty of the Lord in the Psalms (27:4; 48:2; 90:17) and it exists in the mountains, his nature, in heaven and in His Temple. But greater still in His Son coming to earth as Jesus explains to us what "beauty' means in act of serving Him. (Mark 14:6) Isaiah describes God's beauty is seen in in trading it for the ashes of men. (Isaiah 61:3).

Deeply rooted in every human heart is an unquenchable longing for beauty, a God-given sense that beauty must have a meaning that is larger and more permanent than ones own self. It can arouse pleasure, delight and even bring rest. Every person longs to observe and be a part of beauty as they seek for a rare glimpse of greatness and yearn for a vision of glory. People are moved by music - the words of a poet - the work of an artist - a new born child - the uniqueness of all living creatures - the multicolored hues of a sunset - the brilliance of a sun rise - the majesty of mountain peaks - the melodic sound of a waterfall - the wind rustling through the leaves - the simplicity of a flower - the lightness of a snow flake.(Dr. Carl Nelson)

As a Christian we can appreciate the words He made everything beautiful! as we live it everyday! John in his vision of God as expressed in Revelation, he saw the Throne of God in Heaven as pure beauty. As we experience our new relationship with God in Heaven we will once again see God's beauty! God is BEAUTIFUL!

When Jesus was approaching his days of going to Calvary to die a cruel death, Jesus was being anointed by Mary of Magdalene with the most expensive oil as she washed his body and feet with her hair in an expression of love towards Jesus. This was one of the kindest acts given to Jesus. As he spoke to the disciples as they were taunting her act of kindness, Jesus said "Leave her alone, for she has done a BEAUTIFUL thing. She has done what she could!" Can we do something for Jesus as she did? Whatever it is ... it will be described as Beautiful.

Another story of beauty is found in Acts 9:38-43, her name was Tabitha - - Dorcas, who was very helpful in the church she served. She had lost her husband and began a business in the community as a seamsterist There many widows in the church who were poor and she would make each of them dresses to be beautiful in their appearnce. But this "beautiful' woman died in the middle of a time when they needed her most. They cried and prayed to God. Peter came to the church and went to her home and raised her from the dead. She was now alive again. God of Beauty gave his promise as Isaiah said years ago, He gives beauty for ashes.

Acts 13:36 tells us of a sermon preached by Paul and ends by stating, "David served his own generation by the will of God, and then he fell asleep." David loved God and described Him as beautiful. In his life he loved everything that God gave to him -- his family, his being a shepherd, being chosen king and being king. He served his generation. But he honored and gave glory to God for his life. David served his generation by serving God in the fields, in the temple, in his reigning as king over Israel.

CONCLUSION: As we serve God and our Lord Jesus Christ, we will find his Will to be BEAUTIFUL. One young lady grew up in a little town in Europe. She thought of her future when she was a teenager, what does want to do for God? One day she committed her life to Jesus by joining the Catholic Church. She became one the Sisters. But she had another dream, she wanted to be married and someday have a family. Nothing happened with the marriage as she thought she was too ugly for a man to want her for a wife. So decided to go to India, to be a teacher in the Catholic school. At times inwardly, she felt that she was too ugly for any man to want her. But she began to serve HER GENERATION like David did, and everyone began to call her -- MOTHER TERESA! Jesus said "Leave her alone, for she has done something beautiful, she has done what she could."

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