Forgiveness Of Sins Series
Contributed by Kranthi Kumar Medida on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The first saying of Lord Jesus on The Cross
Our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ had uttered seven sayings when He was hanging on the Cross. Generally we meditate each of these seven sayings separately. We look at each saying as though it is special and has no relation to the other six sayings. But, if we look at these seven sayings collectively in the same order as spoken by the Lord, God’s great plan in those sayings will be revealed in front of our spiritual eyes. The Lord did not utter these seven sayings in a random order. He spoke them with lot of care, in a systematic order, one by one, in a way which reveals the eternal plan, which, God the Father has for human beings. If the Lord had not uttered them in the same order, we would not have known the real glory in those sayings. If we look at those sayings just on the surface, we will see them as being spoken by the Lord, some with the Father, one with the disciple, one with the thief, and so on. We will meditate them only in that perspective. As a result of that, we can only know some of the truths visible to our eyes, not knowing the deeper meanings in those sayings. But if we see those seven sayings in the same order as spoken by the Lord, collectively and not separately, we can find seven great works, which are to be accomplished in their own order according to God’s eternal will. These seven works are God’s seven plans for those who are being saved. There is a hidden God’s work represented in every saying of the Lord. Now, we are going to meditate upon these very seven works with the help of the Holy Spirit.
This is the first saying of Lord Jesus on the Cross, spoken to the Father. The connection between God and human beings has been broken due to sin. Forgiveness of sins is the first work in the process of re-establishing the connection between God and human beings which has been broken by sin. Seven works had to be accomplished to re-establish the connection between God and human beings in full fledge, i.e. at the glorious level, which God had intended before the foundation of this world. These seven works are represented in these seven sayings of the Lord on the Cross. First work is represented in the first saying. It is Forgiveness of sins. The first work in the re-establishment of the connection between God and human beings is Forgiveness of sins.
If you want to start a relationship with God, firstly, you have to receive forgiveness for your sins. By the forgiveness of sins, you will start a living spiritual relationship with God. In the first saying of the Lord, we can find how this precious forgiveness of sins is granted to us. The Lord spoke these words for the sake of those who tortured, mocked, and crucified Him. The Lord pleaded with the Father to forgive them.
Those people were not the only ones to torture Lord Jesus. We too, by our sins have tortured Him. It is because of our sins that He went through all that torture. Just as the Lord then pleaded with the father on the Cross to forgive them those who were torturing Him, He is now pleading with the Father to forgive even our sins. Lord Jesus spoke these words at the time in which He was offering up Himself as a sin offering on the altar called Cross for the forgiveness of the sins of humankind. Even now He is speaking the same words for our sake.
Lord Jesus is pleading the Father for our sake. The Father is forgiving us because the Lord is asking Him to forgive our sins. The Father will not forgive us if we ask for forgiveness by ourselves. God the Father will not accept our own sacrifice for our sins. He will only accept the sacrifice of Lord Jesus for us. We received forgiveness only because Lord Jesus asked to forgive us. We should not forget this truth. Every time we commit sin and go to God to ask forgiveness, we should remind Him not of our righteous deeds, or our sacrifices, or our labors in ministry, but only of the love and the sacrifice of Lord Jesus on the Cross.
No matter how much we were useful to God, when we sin we should remind only Lord Jesus to the Father for the forgiveness of our sins, but not of our worthiness and our work. Those who are careful to do like this will be forgiven abundantly. We should not forget the circumstances in which we came to the Cross. Just because we did some good works, or ministry, we will not become worthy of God’s forgiveness. The fact of God forgiving us will forever be dependant on Lord Jesus. This is eternal truth. We will definitely receive reward for the good works and ministry that we have done. But the forgiveness of our sins is only the result of the sacrifice of Lord Jesus on the Cross.