
Summary: Throughout the scriptures God invites us to inquire of Him and learn about Him. That is really the main goal of God on Earth, is that we would turn to Him, and be curious about Him, and seek to know Him, and then understand how to know Him

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Throughout the scriptures God invites us to inquire of Him and learn about Him. That is really the main goal of God on Earth, is that we would turn to Him, and be curious about Him, and seek to know Him, and then understand how to know Him, then to enter into His presence, and receive a new identity in the Christ he provided to make us ready for heaven. And He invites us to enter into that covenant marriage with Him, and become one with Him, and begin to live differently, proceed down a road of trials and triumphs, challenges and victories, dark nights of the soul and high mountain top experiences, as he prepares us for heaven. The end goal being, after we physically die, we are resurrected, with new bodies, as new people, to dwell with God for all eternity on a new perfect Earth, to always delight in Him and follow Him wherever he leads us, into a future so bright we can’t possibly imagine.

We grow into maturity, as we seek God more and more deeply. That is the goal with this new series, is that you would wonder at who God is. The goal is that you would come to know the unimaginably powerful God of all the universe intimately. That you would have a deep, rich daily intimacy with God, and that you would live as a set apart, special chosen possession of God, in a fallen world, where you will shine ever more brightly in the increasing darkness of these difficult last days.

There are twelve names of God we will address over this series. Today we address the name of God most commonly used in the first two chapters of Genesis, Elohim. This is the name God gives to himself throughout his creative works in Genesis 1 and into Genesis 2. The name Elohim is used 35 times in those opening chapters of the Bible.

In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of Elohim was hovering over the waters.

3 And Elohim said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 Elohim saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 Elohim called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.”

Elohim tells us God is infinitely creative. In our Elohim, we find an infinitely complex creative genius mind. He is infinitely creative. We can see this from the planet Earth. And the our solar system. The sun. The asteroid belt. The sun shining through the trees. Waters rushing along a river bed. Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, and all the great lakes.

Elohim implies God’s glorious creative majesty. Nathan Stone, author of “Names of God” says it this way: “It is most appropriate that by this name God should reveal Himself- bringing cosmos out of chaos, light out of darkness, habitation out of desolation, and life in His image.”

It’s just so much to even fathom. There was nothing there 6000 years ago when God made the universe. There was nothing. There was no human race. There were no planets, no stars, no galaxies. Nothing existed. Nothing aside from God, in a heavenly reality he created, along with his creations, this creatures called angels who serve Him and worship Him. Then Elohim declared, and His power being infinite, piece by piece the universe came into being, all calculated perfectly mathematically, every equation setup just right, endless streams of data, and information, universal constants, and equations like gravity, mass, and particles like the higgs boson that hold the universe together. Higgs boson fields exist all around us. They are tiny particles that appear and disappear, and they literally hold reality together. And if they didn’t exist, all reality would disintegrate and we would no longer exist. They were nicknamed the God particle, because they hold reality together.

He calculated it all out in his infinite mind, using the coding system of DNA to program and establish all the animals, plants, and creatures across the planet. Did you know all living creatures from animals to plants are programmed with the same DNA code? One might think that implies that God used a unique code, DNA, to program all life by one system.

It's kind of like how humans created binary code for computers. Binary code is simply a 0 or a 1. Everything in a computer as far as coding can all be broken down to ones and zeros.

In the DNA coding system, Each gene's code uses four nucleotide bases of DNA: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T). And they are arranged in DNA into 3 letter codons, which are arranged into 64 different codons to write human, animal, and plant DNA. It’s a complex coding system. But much, much more complex than binary.

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