
Summary: This is part 2 of a two part sermon and part 9 of a 9 part series.

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Sunday November 10, 2002

Scripture Reference Exodus 13:17-14:31


A. Last week we began learning about what it means to have cul-de-sac faith. That means having faith in the tight spots of life. Having faith in the difficult times of life. Let’s face it, it is easy to have faith when things are going well. I can have enormous faith when my checkbook is full and so is my wallet. I can tell you how much you need to trust in the Lord when my marriage is going well and my kids are all out of trouble. As a pastor I can preach great messages about faith and trust when the attendance is up and the offerings are good. But what happens to our faith when life seems to take a turn in the wrong direction? What happens to my faith when the checkbook is empty and the creditors are calling on the phone? What happens to my faith when I find myself with my back against the wall or I am at the end of my rope?

B. Last week we saw that after God had led the children of Israel out of Egypt, rather than taking the route that seems the quickest to get them away from Egypt and into the land God had promised them. Instead of doing what most of us would say was right and best God led them into a cul-de-sac. Into what seemed to be nothing more than a dead end street.

1. Now it is very important in the understanding of this event to realize

that up to this point the Hebrew children do not suspect that anything is wrong. After all as we learned last week, God has been very clearly leading them. He has used a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. This dead end street they find themselves in right now is no big deal because this is where the cloud is so this is where God is. ** Oh if they, Oh if WE would just realize that truth! God had not abandoned them, as they seemed to feel, as we will see in a moment. NO, God was right there with them as he is with us when it seems like our backs are against the wall.

Trans. Last week we learned about following God into a dead end. This week lets learn about following God to promising future.


Now remember that I said a moment ago that as the Hebrew children are led into this dead end street they still do not realize that anything is wrong. As far as they are concerned this is where they were suppose to be. And let me go ahead and add here, THEY WERE RIGHT! This was where God wanted them at this time. But after they arrive at Pi-Hahiroth the scene quickly changes.

A. The Scene Changes.

1. We saw last week as we concluded the message how Pharaoh, even though he had let the Israelites go, he was still keeping an eye on them. When he sees that they appear to be lost and vulnerable to attack he decides that he made a bad decision and he needs to go after them and bring them back to Egypt.

2. Friends, let me tell you today, sin is a powerful force in people’s lives. Sin will cause us to do very stupid things if we give in to it. [] The police chaplain in Fresno who had an affair and killed his lover. After all that Pharaoh saw God do and the tremendous punishment that came upon them because of their obstinence, he still decided that he was bigger and better than God. * I just have to make mention of what is said in V.5 (read) “We have let the Israelites go and have lost their services.” My, my, isn’t that a sanitary way of saying we lost our slaves. I guess even Pharaoh knew a little something about political correctness.

3. There is a very valuable lesson for all of us whether we are one year or thirty years old in the Lord. When you decide to walk away from Satan and the ways of this world and follow after Jesus, do not expect to be left alone. In other words do not think that Satan is finished with you. He will continue to purse you just as Pharaoh did the Israelites. He does not want you in heaven he wants you to spend your eternity in a Christless hell.

4. Now look at what happens V.5-10 (read).

a) Once again I call upon you to try and imagine this scene. Here are the Israelites camped out by the Red Sea in this cul-de-sac when all of a sudden the ground begins to shake. Now I don’t know whether or not they had ever experienced an earthquake or not but this must have been something of what it felt like. The ground begins to tremble, then as they look off towards the horizon they see this great cloud of dust rising. Maybe it is some sort of dust storm. They certainly would have been familiar with those, but the dust storms they knew were not normally accompanied with the ground shaking. Then they hear the noise, a noise that I am also certain they were familiar with. It was the sound of chariots. The sound of men yelling and getting excited as they prepared to enter into a great battle.

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