
Summary: This sermon is the third sermon in a series entitled, "Church Life".

Church Life: Much Prayer, Much Power! No Prayer, No Power!

1 Timothy 2:1-8


George MacDonald and Alan Redpath on the Importance of Depending Upon God

George MacDonald, "In whatever man does without God, he must fail miserably, or succeed more miserably." Any seemingly successful person who does it independently of God is above all most miserable! Man is incomplete until he realizes that only God completes him. When we are dependent on God we walk through life with the most joy, not when we heap things around us as our gods. Alan Redpath, "There is too much working before men and too little waiting before God." If we took 1% of the energy we put into trying to MAKE things happen and invested that into prayer, we would see an exponential increase in blessings!

Fenelon a French writer of the late 1600’s writes;

“Of all the duties enjoined by Christianity, none is more essential and yet more neglected than prayer. Most people consider the exercise a fatiguing ceremony, which they are justified in abridging as much as possible. Even those whose profession or fears lead them to pray, pray with such languor (lethargy, sluggishness) that their prayers far from drawing down blessings, only increase their condemnation.”

E.M. Bounds writes in his book, “Purpose in Prayer”

“When we calmly reflect upon the fact that the progress of our Lord’s kingdom is dependent upon prayer, it is sad to think that we give so little time to the holy exercise. Everything depends on prayer, and yet we neglect it – not only to our own spiritual hurt, but also to the delay and injury of our Lord’s cause upon the earth. The forces of good and evil are contending for the world. If we would pray, we could add to the conquering power of the army of righteousness; and yet our lips are sealed, our hands hang listlessly by our side, and by holding back from the prayer chamber we jeopardize the very cause in which we profess to be deeply interested…” (pg 22)

1. Prayer is the Priority of Church Life. (2:1a)

“First of all” - this indicates how prayer is of most importance in the worship service and the gatherings of believers.

2. Prayer is Demonstrated in a Variety of Ways (2:1b)

Supplications - “offering a request for a felt need”

Prayers - “emphasis on the sacredness of prayer”

Intercessions - “petitions” -To draw near to a person and converse confidently with him.

Giving of Thanks - “giving thanks for everything; this is God’s will.

3. Prayer is Focused on the Word’s Intended Targets (2:1c-2)

We pray for leaders of nations.

We pray for those in authority.

We pray for all.

4. Prayer is Built Upon Biblical Reasons to Pray (2:3-4)

Prayer is pleasing to the Lord.

Prayer is vital to the spread of the gospel.

Prayer is powerful in seeing people saved.

5. Prayer is Effective Because Christ is the Basis of Prayer (2:5-7)

Jesus Christ - The God-Man; Mediator

“We pray for all because Christ died for all and it is God’s will that all be saved.”

6. Prayer Should Express a Proper Attitude in It’s Practice (2:8)

The posture of the heart - “lifting up holy hands”

“Without Wrath” - in right relationship with others

“Without Doubting” - literally, “without disputing”


"The true man of God is heartsick, grieved at the worldliness of the Church...grieved at the toleration of sin in the Church, grieved at the prayerlessness in the Church. He is disturbed that the corporate prayer of the Church no longer pulls down the strongholds of the devil."

-Leonard Ravenhill

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