
Summary: The Beatitudes teach us how to embody the qualities that Jesus values, such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.

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Today, we are starting a new series called “Becoming.”

In this series, we will explore Jesus' most famous sermon, “The Sermon on the Mount,” which spans Matthew chapters 5 through 7. (Turn there)

For those who think my sermons are long, they might not have enjoyed Jesus' sermons, as this one is three chapters long!

If you haven't read it in one sitting, I highly recommend doing so—it's a spectacular sermon.

At the beginning of this sermon, Jesus presents powerful truths known as the Beatitudes.

While some say there are eight and others say nine Beatitudes, I personally believe there are nine.

Over the next nine weeks, we will be covering each of these Beatitudes.

I want to give you a heads-up: these teachings are challenging…

They will test your resolve and confront your self-centeredness, putting you at odds with the desires of your flesh.

As you embrace these truths, you will find that they demand a complete reevaluation of your priorities and a surrender of your personal desires.

If you allow it, it will be a transformative process, but it requires you to let go of pride, self-reliance, and the pursuit of worldly pleasures.

But in this breaking and reshaping, you will discover a deeper sense of purpose and a closer walk with Christ.

This path, though difficult, leads to a richer, more fulfilling life rooted in humility, dependence on God, and the joy that comes from living in alignment with His will.

As followers of Christ, these powerful truths provide a guide for how we should live for God.

I titled this series “Becoming” because I believe that if you take these truths, break them down, and apply them to your life, you will start to look, act, and talk like Christ.

We are called to become like our Master… We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus… His representatives to the world.

However, many struggle with actually “Becoming” like Christ.

As Christians, we are told to always exhibit the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives, but many of us fail at this.

I believe that when we truly listen to, understand, and apply what Jesus is teaching, it will start to resonate in our hearts and minds.

There is cause for great concern about humanity and its values today—there is so much evil and hatred.

People are often miserable, deceitful, prideful, and easily offended. We end up disappointed when we try to address these problems because we attempt to address them with the world’s solutions.

People turn to therapy, medication, and self-help books to overcome their issues.

While these can help, I believe the solution is simpler than any of those: we need the gospel.

True and lasting change in a person happens not through external methods, but through a transformation of the heart.

The Beatitudes teach us how to embody the qualities that Jesus values, such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.’

True change starts right here… Matthew 5…verse 1...

This is what we are looking at today....

Let's allow the truth of God’s word to deeply affect us, not just as pleasant words to our ears, but as a transformative force in our lives.


Jesus embodied these truths, living each day in the full manifestation of these principles and the fruit of the Spirit… And you can too!

When you allow the truth of God’s word to take root in your heart, you will realize that you can live it out.

If Jesus could do it, so can you.

Jesus was not meant to be just a model to us, so that we would adore him for what he did.

He came so that we can take on His life… He came to show us a new way, and a better way.

This is saying… little by little…piece by piece... gradually....we are being transformed into His image…

This is a process… and IF you are ever going to BEAR fruit… you must go and grow in this process.

You could break this down like this…

Sanctification-becoming clean and Holy…

Spiritual Growth- studying the bible, worshiping, praying and fellowship with to others (church)…

Reflecting His character- Exhibiting love, compassion, humility, patience, and obedience....

Overcoming sin and self centeredness- removing sinful and self-centered habits and attitudes through surrender…

Manifesting the Fruit- Having the fruit…in its entirety on full display and dominating us everyday…

Experiencing God’s Glory…finding true happiness and joy…and reflecting that to others around us...

This was always his intention!! We often forget that while Jesus was fully divine, He was also fully human.

If it weren't possible to be like Him, He wouldn’t have taught so much about our character.

The New Testament has a lot to say about your character for a reason.

Why would Jesus teach such powerful truths and why would the Bible focus so heavily on character if it weren’t possible to live them out every day in every way?

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