Abortion Series
Contributed by Chris Edmondson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A sermon talking about logical and biblical arguments against abortion
Hot Potatoes that Make People HOT!!, Part 1
We are starting a new series today about Hot topics that make people hot. Why am I talking about this? Because every evening on the 6 o’clock news we are faced with moral and spiritual dilemmas. Just because a majority of people believe a certain way about an issue doesn’t make their belief right. The majority of passengers on the Titanic believed that they weren’t in real danger after they hit the iceberg, and the majority of them died because they believed wrong.
Some of you believe rightly on some of these issues, but if I asked you why, you couldn’t give me an answer. Some would just give me a generic answer, “Because the Bible tells me so.” That is very broad and good, but that is not sufficient. You must be able to use your Bible like a sword, wielding it as needed to address the onslaught of the enemy.
The issue of abortion, even though they have been performed for hundreds of years came to the forefront of our society on January 22, 1973. Before this day, our normal approach was against abortion. But on January 22, 1973, in the now infamous case Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court, in a 7-2 vote, determined that a woman had the right to procure an abortion at any time. Their decision was that women should have the right to abortion if they so desire.
Before that time, fetuses were viewed as life, not ‘its’. They were viewed as alive persons, now they are viewed as tissue. When we allow the court to decide decisions like abortion, what we are facing is a bigger issue than abortion. This is huge as we talk about these hot issues.
Abortion is an outgrowth of another issue. The other, larger issue in which abortion is an expression of, is the issue of humanism.
Humanism is the philosophy, a worldview that holds that all that there is, is matter. The only thing that matters is matter. Human beings are just an advanced collection of matter. Since we are the most advanced collection of matter, we are the highest court of appeals in what ought to be done in our world. In light of this, man becomes the ultimate decision-maker (humanism) regarding matter. Man becomes the focal point that determines what should happen in the world. This world view of humanism affects all kinds of decisions. As we will see in abortion, it affects ‘Who lives and who dies’.
This worldview is what Nazi Germany had in the 1930’s and 1940’s. They started on a road with abortion with the worldview that the woman’s life was not only more important than the child’s, but her convenience is more important than the child’s life. This road then naturally leads to affecting life outside the womb—killing of the handicapped, because their life drains the good of society, killing the elderly, because they are no longer productive, and killing the unwanted—the people you just don’t like. In Nazi Germany, that was the gypsies, the handicapped, and six million Jews.
In humanism, man is not viewed as the unique creation of God. He is defined in the image of what some people think man ought to be. An appointed group of people can determine life or death issues, like the Supreme Court. Abortion is the outworking of a worldview. Whenever you push God into a closet, you have man left. When you have imperfect man making the decisions, you have imperfect decisions being made, no matter how good the intentions are, as we will see in the abortion argument. There
are a lot of good intentions.
Types of Abortion
Therapeutic abortion: The pregnancy is terminated for the sake of the woman’s health
Psychiatric abortion: The pregnancy is terminated for the sake of the woman’s mental health.
Eugenic abortion: The pregnancy is terminated as a means of keeping the retarded or deformed child from
being born.
Social abortion: The pregnancy is terminated to relieve economic pressure on a family
Ethical abortion: The pregnancy is terminated in cases of rape or incest.
Abortion on demand: “I don’t want to have the baby.”
Methods of Abortion
During the first Trimester:
DNC: A curette, which is a tiny, hook-like instrument is inserted into the uterus and is used to scrape the
placenta from the uterus wall and cuts the baby’s body into pieces.
Suction: A tube is inserted into the uterus and the baby is sucked into pieces into a jar outside of the womb.
96.7% of all of the abortions that happen in the U.S. operate on the suction method.
After 15 weeks (into the second trimester), ending a pregnancy is more difficult because the fetus is larger
and there is a greater blood supply to the uterus.